Well jeez, Izz, that's kinda drastic, but it sounds like it worked!
Thank you, TT. It's comforting to know someone else is doing it! Kudos to your drawers.
I had a big insight today. Was lolling (code for lying paralysed on the bed feeling sick that I don't just get up and DO it). Was actually lolling and feeling lonely. I didn't sleep last night. So anyway, there it was. Then my D called and that minute I was able to leap up and get moving, so while we talked, all the clothes got put away, etc.
It was so obvious. I have been talking to my minister a bit about how I notice that I get very weighed under by feelings of isolation, in spite of how busy I am and how many people I "know". A few friends disappointed me with underwhelment over my little business dream and I recognized that a great gap for me, okay at times and an obstacle at other times, is having noone I share my life with. (I'd count NMom, but I can't, really.) I told the m. how much I wished someone would come simply sit in my room a while, and that almost 9 years of virtually never having anyone come into my space (a few girlfriends, a few brief times) has had an impact.
I am working hard to be my own cheerleader, and often succeed and get re-motivated. (Today, I had a great appt. with my SCORE mentor, and it all moved forward another step). But the moment of suddenly having that paralysis lift because I felt connected was so telling. An eye opener.
What I'm really working on, under the "space and organization" topic, is the issue of self-motivation. Doing this process, which I find mostly joyful, for me, and STICKING WITH IT. That's the challenge.
That ring a bell with anyone?