Wow. I say send it. Give it to her and give it to yourself by letting it go out to her. Don't pass this opportunity. Don't keep it for when your gone *a long time away from now* for her to find without being able to respond.
Jump in Girl, take the chance. Maybe she will respond right away or not but give it to her now.
I don't think theres a person on here that wouldn't have loved to have that letter from their mom.
What a gift you will give to her. You will give her validation of *mixed feelings* and that you are as human as she is.
That is the ultimate Gift!
You know we can be left money *lots of it* live good but it does not take away those words you wish you heard.
You have them Izzy sent them out, give her what she will think about for the rest of her life, ease her heart.
Who knows she may stand all big and tuff because she is not ready to think about what she needs to but those words will always be planted in her mind *her lock box* and she will always go back to look at them.
This is your Gift even if you don't get back right away or ever. It is completely a GIFT! with nothing expected in return.
This is your baby *give it to her* let her soak it in.
I bet if you asked all the people on here would say that if they had that letter it would of made a world of difference in their healing with their moms.