Am back writing to this board after an absence of several years. My user name is different but the problems/baggage is still there.
As an overview - Nmother, controlling, vitriolic, toxic, abusive, guilt big-time, many of you know the drill. Dad died and myself and my husband got caught up in her web. Am one of two, my sister leaving in 1971 and haven't seen her since. Took care of them both every weekend, basically for the first 15 years of our marriage. My Dad lost both his legs to diabetes - she became the victim, not him.
After 6 years of Hell dealing with her after his death, we finally put our foot down. Taking care of a Narcissist remote doesn't work. She wanted to come and live with us. I don't think so. Sold the house and put her in an Assisted Living community. Very, very nice place - most elderly people I know would love to be able to afford to live there. She called it prison, acted out, threatened suicide, abusive to the staff. All to get me out there at all hours. Control and manipulation - she is a master at her own craft. She only lasted a scant 3 years there. There were countless trips to the psych ward, phone calls at 2 in morning, calls from the staff, etc. It was awful. I could feel the cold pit of fear in my stomach everytime our phone rang.
Finally, after the last big scenario we said enough was enough. We were fortunate to actually find a facility close by that offered geri-psych care. All residents come through a lock-down psych area on the first floor. The accepted her. That was May of 2005 and I haven't seen her since. The resident staff know how to deal with her type.
I pay the bills, buy her clothes/Depends which my husband (he is so good) drops off at the front desk on his way to or from work. He doesn't want to see her either or have a confrontation.
I still have weak moments when I feel I should go to see her. Sanity overtakes me and I make the decision not to. I know that I am not strong enough mentally to deal with what would or could come out of her mouth.
Mother's Day is looming ahead. I have such a hard time dealing with that stupid holiday. Ads in the paper for restaurants, ads in the mail for gifts, flowers, candy, cards, and perfume.
I cringe when I overhear people talk about all their plans for the day. It makes me sick to my stomach and the depression becomes overwhelming.
Am hoping that there are others out there that feel the same way.
Please help me out.