that's just the word for this mess.
BIL, does this mental stuff as part of his work, maybe he wants to evaluate him first hand.
BIL is concerned about an inheritance and may want to keep ex-N from having control over ex-Ns portion. BIL may want to prove ex has emotional problems.
I don't know if this explains why BIL would move him here and used ex-N being homeless to his advantage.
BIL would not give ex any help with money while ex was living in CA. Ex-N had WC.settlement money from being hurt on the job he didn't need help for the last 2 years.
The money was part of the reason he did not leave with us to TX. The settlement money came a few months before we moved.(after 5 years of me working while he brought no money to the home.)
When we got here to TX the SSI office, informed me D, was getting money at that time, boy was I surprised. I then knew why he was being so crazy ! Ex knew we didn't know about that money. His plan was to move me out of the way and have D stay, so he could keep her SSI.
Or even let us both move on so I would raise D with no help from him and hope I would not find out about her SSI.
I almost didn't find out but for some reason I couldn't find her SSI card and needed it to enroll her into school. Ex will suffer with his BIL until he gets settled then get his inheritance and then fall off the face of the earth again.
We made it trough the last few days with 2 supervised visits total of 3 hours with N-ex.
D and I kept busy all week doing our own thing. Today Church, lunch, move, book store, ice cream.We had a great day.
Saturday we were going to see Chris Daultry from American Idol, but it rained.
This was a close call because Ex-called D while she was at the mall buying mother day gift found out we were going to the "taste of Addison fair".
He drove there and was waiting to meet up with her but just as he called to tell her he was there a thunderstorm hit the fair grounds so we didn't go.
I was so upset that he would have been there and would expect to see D. I didn't know what I was going to do. I thought I would not go at all but then it rained I was so happy.
Ex called 3 times asking me to dinner then wishing me a Happy Moms day.
All I could think of is how many mothers days in the past he was sure to ruin for me. D was told not to get involved to tell him not to use her to relay messages. I'm sure ex-N wants to use D and I to get away from BIL.
I'm going to call the local police Monday, to just have on record he is in town and plans on living here. I'm not sure if much can be done but a notification. I may have them stop by to remind him not to be calling D to meet her places without supervision.
Margo I think your thought SIL be around with the supervised visits is a good idea. I will talk to her about making that happen.
Stormy, I'm still working on what the story is with our family dog..
My friend is going to do what she can to find out more information from the neighbors. Asking N just leads to more lies.
Its late got to go get some sleep.