Hi NewMe and Ami in particular...
I have 'lurked' on this forum before, but felt the need to come back today, after what happened the past week, and this thread caught my eye.
I started No Contact with my NMum 13 years ago, and, despite her (and my NClone sister) trying hard to get me to 'admit how awful I've been' and 'make up' etc, etc, I've stuck to my guns, with help from my wonderful husband.
Lately, though, my mum's latest 'boyfriend' (in his seventies, as she is, now - I'm 44) has taken it upon himself to keep contacting me by letter, enclosing childhood photos of me in 'happier times' as he puts it (!), a genealogy chart (to 'prove' what I'm losing by 'cutting myself off'), etc.
After having NC for so long, I was gradually getting myself back together, after having a horrendous childhood where I had anorexia for 12 years, with my weight being 5 1/2 stone most of the time.
This bloke's contact is bringing it all up again, though. BUT - do I explain it all to him, or tell him to ****** off? Me and my husband tried the first way, and we got a letter back saying he was 'shocked' by our tone, and that he'd 'decided never to speak to us again'. Great, we thought. But, as with all enablers, he's as bad as her, and doesn't stick to his word, so he's at it again. After all these years, it still makes me tearful to have to explain to strangers exactly what it is that made me make such a serious decision. That's the bit that gets me. Can't they see that NO-ONE makes that kind of decision lightly, so it MUST be something serious that caused it to get to that point? My family seem to be telling him that the only reason I'm continuing 'thif farce' is that I'm crazy and stubborn, and that EVENTUALLY I'll come round to agreeing to see them again.
What my hausband has trouble understanding, though, is that if they think I'm so awful, why do they still want me back? Just to carry on as before I suppose. But I'm not prepared to be a punchbag any more, and none of you should be, either.
I agree that using the term Narcissistic doesn't help at all with anyone connected with them - N's have an abhorrence of any mental illness, and would just refute completely the idea that THEY might have a mental illness themselves!
The only advice I can give to others, I think, is that even if other people don't understand your reasons for doing it, given time, it DOES get a lot better once you cut off contact fom the N. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone else if you don't want to, just because they've asked for an explanation. Parent or not, they don't have the right to treat you so badly, and you have every right to a happy life. If that means one without them, then fine, so be it. It was their behavious that caused it, not yours.
Sorry this post has gone on a bit... it's been one of thse weeks!
Love to all survivors on here,