There is no kindness with Ns everything is calculated to so that they get what they want, that is the bottom line. When he gets new supply he will back off. I put up with the depression, the tears, the begging not to leave etc and when I threw him out he just moved on to new supply. I have no doubt he hardly remembers my name and "he never felt such love as he did with me"......bull. Everything, just everything is about them. You need to make EVERYTHING about you and your family. He will continue on his crazymaking as long as it serves his purpose.
I found it interesting what you wrote about your N. Of course the rules change to suit them. My guess is that he is low on supply and that is why your son has become flavour of the month with him. Again, as I am sure you know he is only using him. ITs what they do. I watched XN bully and undermine his son and then suddenly he became the chosen one. Everyone is so interchangable, that is what I found really weird. nobody means anything to them other than supply