Author Topic: New appreciation for good advice  (Read 963 times)


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New appreciation for good advice
« on: May 13, 2007, 01:51:33 PM »
I always give the same advice over and over again.  I just don't always take it. 

::Chanting::  Through the fire through the fire through the fire......

Those words keep going through my head.  I couldn't keep going through the fire..... though I should have.  Should have remembered that advice and stuck to it.  I KNOW how it's done.  I've done it before.  I've been there..... I KNOW BETTER.  I just never had a clear idea of how long I'd have to do it.  I was being told I wouldn't HAVE to do it for long so I never planned for it. 

When the pain gets so intense that you'll do anything to escape.... it't time to buckle down, accept that you're there and begin to learn new ways to cope with it. 

Put into place new sources of support and life's skills that are a normal part of growth and self care. 

Health comes from walking through the fire.... very cleansing.... not from going around or backing down. 

It's the old patterns of coping that aren't working.... and that means that we're left without any choices but to create new ones.  It's so painful and uncomfortable, I know.   But it's the only way. 



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Re: New appreciation for good advice
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2007, 05:01:13 PM »
we're left without any choices but to create new ones.  It's so painful and uncomfortable, I know.   But it's the only way. 

someone said to me here recently 'it's a process' and sometimes because it's not instant and sometimes is protracted- for me the last four years has been all about separation & divorce and recovery- we stall and have every emotional reaction going.

But it's not all bad. It's quite exhilarating too, recovering yourself.

And it's also sometimes a few steps forward a few steps back...or feels that way.