In reading on the subject I have noted that N has a strong hereditary component. Thus, I am reluctant to focus on the environment too any great degree. This has been borne out by my personal experience.
After receiving the diagnosis of "N tendencies" for my H, and having continued problems with his periodic fits of insistence that he is always right (huh?) and anger, I called his mother, looking for explanations and suggestions. She advised, bottom line, that his father was the same way. She said that she "ignored" his dad, who "had some very strong ideas," and "once he got going there was no point in talking to him."
I am very interested in any article that can explain what the internal experience is like for the N. The way that thought process works, I cannot figure out.
I find myself thinking, "Well, if I'm wrong, and somebody corrects me, then they actually help me. They leave me better than they found me. However, if someone functioning as an N refuses to see or admit when he's wrong, then he's wrong twice. He's wrong once in the issue at hand, and again in his refusal to accept that he is mistaken. Why don't they feel embarrassed? It's like the Emperor's new clothes. He's naked for God's sake!"
I think it's pretty sad. Sometimes he seems to be posing (e.g., saying that he's always right) simply to aggravate me, and at other times, he seems to actually believe it. I don't think that he talks to himself internally. Maybe everybody has an internal dialog, although I have the impression that he may not (hmmm... is there something to this?). Anyway, if he did have an internal dialog, I think it might sound like this at times, "It's okay. I'm not wrong. She's wrong. I'm not wrong. She needs to stop saying that I'm wrong. I'm NOT wrong. I"M NOT WRONG! GRRRR!!!" But then at other times, he can now joke about it, saying, "Oh sure. I'm never wrong. Never. (smile)" It seems like he goes into a delusional state at times, and at other times he is somehow aware that he can become delusional.
In the end, since he hardly pays any attention to anything that is not directly related to his getting his needs met, he knows very little about many things that go on in his immediate vicinity. Thus, he often has little information with which to operate, and he makes numerous mistakes. We wants none of these mentioned. If I tell him that he didn't do something as we had discussed previously, he gets furious.
What ends up happening feels very odd. I start thinking that maybe I'm an N because I'm the one finding fault. But then I think, "I'm just trying to get him to act normal and remember what we discuss." I suppose that if I worry that I might be an N, when I become annoyed by his chronic inability to focus on anything outside his own priorities, then I'm probably not an N. But this talk of needing affirmation (I am more motivated by kudos than $), wanting to do things right (not pretend, actually do it right), and thinking that lots of other people can't cut it (I prefer to deal with other professionals, people who think and speak quickly), sounds like me. Except that I'm willing to do the work to get the kudos, and if I screw up I definitely want to know about it. So I just keep coming back the difference between genuine self-confidence and some kind of defensive false confidence, unable to be real, for fear of some horrible outcome. I don't know what that horrible outcome could be. Seems like it would be worse to look like an idiot insisting that one is right, when clearly has no clue.
If anybody knows, or has a source that explains, what the inner thoughts are in the N state of mind, I would really appreciate more info on this.