I won't interrupt the thread on theories of Narcissism but someone just posted this on forgiveness, I wanted to think more about it:
An unforgiving person should
be someone who is easily offended, highly invested in collecting
on debts owed to the self, and determined to assert his or her rights
in a principled effort to maintain self-respect.
I guess in the above statement the word 'unforgiving' might well be replaced by 'unhealed', but is the opposite true?
eg a forgiving person is not easily offended, not invested in collecting on debts owed to self and not determined to assert his or her rights in a principled effort to maintain self-respect....
I don't think that works, the last bit. I am determined to assert my rights, albeit in a gentle way by choice. But I will be forceful if necessary, I will go away if I have to!
That doesn't make me unforgiving. I think forgiveness is like everything else, it has its boundaries.
If someone has perpetrated great abuse on me I should not expect myself to be forgiving as in open to a new relationship with them; if that someone has demonstrated their unwillingness or inability to change then I want to prioritise my healing over theirs. That's self-care.
And I am extremely forgiving with my ex as y'all know. But there are boundaries and limits, more so as time goes on and I see again and again the NPD.
Even if he were to recover and become his best self I would be unlikely to forgive to the extent of let's start over, to love him uncconditionally. I forgive within a context that is all. And mostly because I don't want to hold on to anger or bitterness.
What do other people think?
if your brother offends you, rebuke him AND WHEN HE REPENTS forgive him....
the rebuke is out of love in order to help bring the person to a positive change thru repentance...
even tho by discernment one knows that the other might successfully bring more troubles upon oneself for rebuking them...
that they might use what they know of the world to turn others against one for doing the right thing...
that they might even know some of our weaknesses and vulnerabilities better than we do ourselves
and to make one hesitate from doing the right thing they give off an aura of emotional intimidation
that you might not even fully recognize how it affects you for giving a more real and true emotional response to them
and tho they might or might not believe that they are being more emotionally true than you are to them...
the narcissist would tend to think they are more emotionally true mostly and the
malignant narcissist or psychopath more likely knows they are using emotional blackmail and threats on the other more clearly.
now the context in luke is if it is someone who is a christian many want to say
and perhaps they are right in that context
but still i think there is a greater context
where brother is symbolic of someone who consciously [male being symbolic here of the active conscious mind in both sexes]
trying to take advantage of you in a way that is abusive to your spiritual integrity so as to rob you of your soul energy
in a way that will serve their own self aggrandizement.
one does not hate them for that seeing as they have lost their true understanding
of how such a kind of spiritual rebellion can be more damaging to their soul
but also that it can be dangerous to the energy of other souls who let themselves get caught up in their soul vampirish ways....
and the best response is rebuke even tho the other might try to crucify them on a cross:) hmmm am i christian
suffering for the sake of righteousness is part of the sermon on the mount and i think there is no way around
that for those who are true seekers...and no way around too suffering for the sake of others...but a need to be careful of not falling into a lessening of one's good energy by way of a false matyr complex....