Write, I'm grateful for this topic. What a thoughtful, deep discussion. Wow, people.
Mum: you have such spiritual clarity, I am always moved by what you write. There is so much love in it.
Michael: I am a heathen. I differ with Jesus on this point. For me the definition of forgiveness has evolved past the WHEN HE REPENTS, then forgive him/her part. I ain't waiting around to judge whether one has repented hurting me or not. Of course, when a genuine apology appears, that is sweet and extra and I'm glad of it, for my sake and theirs. Makes it a reciprocal healing. But if it's a cruel or dangerous person and contact must be ended, then my forgiving them is a private step/moment/release/claim of peacefulness...and has to do more with my own spiritual progress than with any dialogue or relating with or demand for amends from the other person.
I also respond this way because one reason I drifted away from Christianity was my sense that so many people were very concerned with the state of other people's character, and, for example, would be delighted to use their laparoscopic discernment to poke around in another's soul for evidence of whether another's repentance was sincere. It was as though there was an "Aha! You're STAINED!" lurking everywhere. It didn't help me think straight. Psychology and poetry and amorphous faith have though.
"Rebuke" works for me in the sense that it suggests: Tell them NO. Or, STOP. Or, this is not acceptable and if you do it again I will ____ (leave, call cops, divorce you, take away your allowance).
Portia, me too, about having no expectations about their response...
The other thing for me that feels directly linked (and perhaps synonymous with, really) to forgiveness is compassion. When I tune into that, things become so simple. I keep coming back to that. It's like a default setting.
It was difficult to "get it" about having compassion for myself. In recent years, I do much better at it. And I've found that when I love other people now, it feels "cleaner". Lighter, in a way. And I think that's because I finally turned the light around and beamed it into my own chest. Intentionally aimed love at my bruised heart.
love to all a-y'all,