I posted last night and then woke up with an additional perspective.
The comment about different people being at different levels of 'healing and dealing' was useful. For example, I can respond to CC in a way I wouldn't necessarily respond to someone else because, intuitively, I believe CC can meet me on that level. (And, just to prove it, we've had a quick kiss and make up behind the scenes!!)
Whereas Cinderella somehow got in between us and got caught in the crossfire without understanding we could handle it. (I've done that plenty of times myself as a child, drawing the flak away from my parents but had to learn as an adult not to keep trying to 'save' people who don't actually need saving)
This could be complete fantasy, but as I woke up this morning, I suddenly experienced CC and myself as parents with Cinderella expressing her pain of childhood faced with these parents. Somehow, the parent represented by me was always kicking over something which Cinderella was trying to build. And she hurts a lot... And perhaps if that parent was an Nparent, she never heard Cinderalla's hurt.
But, hey, Cinders, I hear you. Come and have a hug!!
You know, if we were over at Nic's ranch, I suspect there'd be a healing group cuddle right now...
I wrote both these posts before I saw your earlier reply, Cinderella, so perhaps it's all become irrelevant in between time but I thought I'd offer it anyway.
As for myself, I tried to read your original post without defences and recognised that I felt a great deal of hopelessness and pain. I would if I could, Cinderella, I would if I could. But my mother nearly destroyed 50 years of relative sanity (and my business, and my marriage) in just a few short weeks of empathy and unconditional love. I don't recommend it - but it doesn't make me less of a person.
In peace