thanks everybody.
MS, good one. Loser indeed.
tracks, thanks. She's a good kitty, too, and deserves better than to have some selfish idiot crowding her out of my life at a time like this.
Beth, good to see you, I've missed seeing you here - I know you stop in from time to time and are busy, so not to worry. It's just good to see you.
CB, thanks. I've been taking this real slow, because I know a decent guy will understand that, but a jerk won't be able to handle it.
Ns have to get you committed to them real fast, because they can't manage to treat you decently more than a few hours or days, and they want to 'tie you up' before you figure them out. We women do tend to throw good emotion after bad, for years, sometimes for our whole lives, rather than admit we picked a stinker - or that a stinker picked us.
Anyway, I've been insisting on taking thing slow, so I don't feel invested in this... just ticked off by the guy's clueless selfishness, at this point. If I told you the things he pulled yesterday while I was at work, you wouldn't believe it. I'm holding to firm boundaries; this is clearly not a potential relationship to him at all, it's a contest of wills. Typical N garbage.
On the plus side, although I'm disappointed of course, I have no doubts whatsoever about the guy now, and I know what I have to do once I get the kitty into the hospital and she makes it through the operation [please God]. I've also been open with people in my office regarding what's been going on, in case the guy tries to create problems for me professionally, which, being an N, he's certainly capable of doing in retaliation for rejection.
Damn fool. All he had to do was leave me alone for four days, because I asked him to, so I could be with my baby.