Author Topic: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please  (Read 2779 times)


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Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« on: May 25, 2007, 07:54:02 PM »
One of my kitties became ill Thursday and is going to have surgery next Tuesday.

Prayers warmly and gratefully welcomed.

The fellow I've gone out with a couple times is being a total jercque about the fact that I want - and need - to spend this long weekend with the kitty, because she's having symptoms and needs to be monitored. Never mind the fact that she might not survive the surgery - if they find major cancer for instance, or if something goes wrong. I want to spend this time with her. [Yes, I know he might just want to be supportive and helpful. Believe me, I've considered that. He's not acting that way. He's being pushy, snotty, and petulant. I don't need that, especially now. Sad to say, it's not a total surprise.]

So prayers on that subject welcomed too. Not to make him less of a jercque - that's his personal choice - but to give me the strength to ignore the jercqueness and focus on the kitty, and the self-control to tell him I don't want to date him any more ASAP after the surgery, with minimal Sturm Und Drang.

[I'm not seeing him this weekend, I'm not taking anything from him and haven't, there's no unfairness from me to worry about here, just someone who feels 'entitled' to my time no matter what is going on in my life, and clearly does not really care for me one iota, or he'd respect my wishes and leave me alone right now.]
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 08:04:39 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 08:14:43 PM »
Hi Stormy....  will be praying for your little kitty that all goes well for her on Tuesday.   And praying that the jercque either straightens up or takes a hike.  Hope your kitty is feeling better very very soon.


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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 08:33:21 PM »


Actually, the jercque did take a hike, this week. He was gone several days - taking a hike literally. That was OK [and I was perfectly fine with it. My Lord, we've been out three times. I don't think I own the guy. Nor does he own me!]

Me taking the same amount of time, in an emergency, to be with and care for and love my cat? Somehow, strangely, not OK at all.

Jercque should be spelled with an N, somewhere... :roll:
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 08:52:51 PM »
Tell him to take a ...... LONGER HIKE....   the jercqueN is playing mind games.....  then....  be with your kitty this weekend and don't think about him one little tiny bit. :x  What a loser.


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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2007, 09:49:40 PM »


Good mommy!
Lucky kitty to have good mommy!



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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2007, 02:24:09 AM »
Sorry about Kitty and about the mighta been... Alas, his loss. Sorry to have you get your hopes up and then dash them. I hope the surgery goes well for kitty and she is feeling better after.
Miss Piggy is getting fixed on Tuesday so she can go live in her new home with her husband. We are going to miss her, and I will be temporarily animalless... only have a few guppies now to give away.
Take care, storm.
Love, Beth
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2007, 09:28:59 AM »
thanks everybody.

MS, good one. Loser indeed.

tracks, thanks. She's a good kitty, too, and deserves better than to have some selfish idiot crowding her out of my life at a time like this.

Beth, good to see you, I've missed seeing you here - I know you stop in from time to time and are busy, so not to worry. It's just good to see you.

CB, thanks. I've been taking this real slow, because I know a decent guy will understand that, but a jerk won't be able to handle it.

Ns have to get you committed to them real fast, because they can't manage to treat you decently more than a few hours or days, and they want to 'tie you up' before you figure them out. We women do tend to throw good emotion after bad, for years, sometimes for our whole lives, rather than admit we picked a stinker - or that a stinker picked us.

Anyway, I've been insisting on taking thing slow, so I don't feel invested in this... just ticked off by the guy's clueless selfishness, at this point. If I told you the things he pulled yesterday while I was at work, you wouldn't believe it. I'm holding to firm boundaries; this is clearly not a potential relationship to him at all, it's a contest of wills. Typical N garbage.

On the plus side, although I'm disappointed of course, I have no doubts whatsoever about the guy now, and I know what I have to do once I get the kitty into the hospital and she makes it through the operation [please God]. I've also been open with people in my office regarding what's been going on, in case the guy tries to create problems for me professionally, which, being an N, he's certainly capable of doing in retaliation for rejection.

Damn fool. All he had to do was leave me alone for four days, because I asked him to, so I could be with my baby.
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2007, 05:50:19 PM »
Hi Stormy,

Praying for kitty as soon as I type this and.....well-rid of jercqueN for sure.

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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2007, 07:56:57 PM »
Hey Storm, prayers for your Kitty have been signed sealed and delivered!  :D


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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2007, 09:02:20 PM »
Thanks (((((besee))))) - pennyplant, amen! - & James, you rock :-) !

She's had a rough day, we had to make a trip to the vet again. Now she's sleeping and doesn't want to eat, the antibiotic makes her nauseous, I have to change the med tomorrow. Poor baby.

Wish us a restful, quiet night. And thanks again, all you kind hearts...
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2007, 02:26:29 AM »
Sending purrs and peaceful sleep...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2007, 11:18:58 PM »
Thanks Hops.

Well... tomorrow is the Moment of Truth. I've taken away all the food, now, to fast her pre-op, and I'm going to 'turn and live with animals' for the rest of the evening, as I've been fortunate enough to be able to do for nearly all of the weekend.

thanks again, everyone. Keep us in mind tomorrow. Her surgery is probably around 3 PM Eastern Daylight time.
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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2007, 08:32:57 AM »
I will pray for kitty today!  I have two and would do just as you are.  Sorry about the jerk.  Aren't you glad this happened early in the relationship!!!!

Keep us informed on what happens with your kitty.  We will be waiting and hoping kitty is fine.


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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2007, 09:42:45 AM »
Dear Storm,
  I will be praying for the kitty, also. I am waiting to hear from you later.
                                                                              Big Hugs, Ami

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Re: Kitty Crisis - Prayers Please
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2007, 02:31:26 PM »
Thanks camper, thanks Ami. Yes I'm very glad the jerk showed his true self early...

Last night, she slept on my pillow.

They have done the surgery already, they got an unexpected opening in the morning.

She is awake and from what they tell me, doing fine. I'm going out to see her in about half an hour.

Since she has had a cystotomy, she'll stay in the hospital for several days - I prefer this although I miss her - this way she'll get her antibiotics via injection, I don't want her hurting herself inside if she struggles to resist being given oral dosing by me - having nearly died from internal bleeding myself, I am terrified of it happening to her. And if she stops eating [a danger because she's a bit overweight] they can give her appetite stimulants easily.

So I'll be making daily trips to the convalescent ward to see my baby. Wish me rest and enough common sense not to neglect my own self care, which I'm inclined to do at times like this.

Thanks again...

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