I'm okay...a little sad about Mom.
Picked her up from the hosp. today (it was dehydration, mainly...despite my and her morning companion's efforts to get her to drink more water)...
I had taken her to the doc last Tues. since she was not doing well. Her sleep time had about doubled, her color was bad, and her walking deteriorated to the point she was barely able to. She fell as I was trying to get her in the car, I wrenched my back breaking her fall so she'd ease to the driveway. No neighbors were home so after I ran to a couple houses I flagged down a City truck and the angel driver hopped out, scooped her up and gently put her in the car. After the doc saw her he said I should take her right to the hospt. Anyway, today I transferred her to the nursing home because she'd had a PT eval and the medical opinion is that at least right now, she needs 24-hour care. Hard to do, and her comments are hard to handle. It's just sad. I popped in twice. She's okay but wants to come home, and blames me. Then, at one point tonight (first time ever this has happened) she didn't quite recognize me, confused me with my daughter, and said, "Your mother insists on taking me to that nursing place." Kind of a blaming thing. I just looked and said, Mom, it's me, and you know...I brought you here on doctor's orders, not mine... Anyway, tough day.
Tonight a friend and I went to see Waitress. Very touching movie, though I was confused about the extra-martial stuff (at least on the man's part). No real motive except he was a little disoriented from being in a new town. But his wife clearly adored him. Anyway, there were great moments in that film... and I so got the ending, which felt like the exact way I felt when my child was born.
Thanks for asking, CB...I know all this stuff will change and do whatever it does. It's just an uncertainty period. I truly don't know if Ma will ever be home again because last time she was in PT, she worked so hard she did become strong again. But this year feels different, but I never know.
Anyway, I'm going to try to let the sadness come and go and take advantage of this peaceful interval at home to do more self-care, organizing, and work on my own business. That part, just for me, is a pure gift.