Author Topic: Job input  (Read 1772 times)


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Job input
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:35:28 PM »
Hi-Had a job interview today and the woman LOVED me.  I wanted more $ than they were willing to pay but she is going to go to her higher ups to try to get me up there.  Problem is my mom"appears" to be getting ready to back off and I have been taking so much time off-it has been wonderful-but I also know my mom and I guess I can expect the other shoe to drop.  Good hours.  At a mall that is really NOT happening but growth potential could be there.  What do you think?

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Re: Job input
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2007, 07:00:39 PM »
Well here is the rub-I do not know what the future holds and I have been coditioned to feel guilt and shame so I am trying to discern whether I am feeling weird because of my internal parent or if I am shocked that they would be so positive so quickly after the four months of waiting I did for the last job I wanted-but I know that if I choose to stay my mom will frustrate me with her dysfunction-so i guess I will pray about it and wait to see if they even offer it to me-I fear the unknown!

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Re: Job input
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2007, 09:57:33 PM »
Hey Kel,
Don't be afraid of taking a chance on happiness...

you've waited long enough, imo!

(Ami's wisdom sounds right to me too.)

Maybe another way to approach it would be to ask yourself,
if they offer me this job and I turn it down, how will I feel a few weeks

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Re: Job input
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2007, 10:11:17 PM »
I was waiting for you, Hops!  That is the way I feel.  What happens if I say no and them my mom disappoints me yet again (and we all know she will) but what if I just hate  the new job?  But I will be away from mom and aunt and I will like them both a lot better if I am not with them day in and day out!  Well I am not counting my chickens before they are hatched!

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Re: Job input
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2007, 07:21:57 AM »

I think that sometimes you just have to take a chance.  Maybe you will hate the job!  But you already know that you hate this one.  So, you are really just exchanging locations, in that case.

On the other hand, you may love it.  That's where taking a chance comes in.  More realistically, you will probably sometimes hate it and sometimes love it.  Some days you will wonder why in the world you left the safety and security of your mom's business.  Some days, you'll think it was the smartest thing you've ever done.  Most days, it will probably be just a job. 

It might even be a stepping stone to something that you can't yet see on the horizon...

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Re: Job input
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2007, 10:11:31 AM »
I think those thoughts too.  Your post about waking up anxious made me wonder about a dream I had last night.  My ex h and I relocated to Min.  and moved into a little house with a dungeon for a basement, outdated wallpaper, boxes for cupboards, etc.  I was crying because my mom and he bought it without my input,  and I was startioh all over again in a new town, and I was angry because I would have NEVER chosen that house etc.  So I woke up anxious and I didnt know what to think of that dream.

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Re: Job input
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2007, 10:21:34 AM »
And I also told the District manager that I could not start until August 1, Because I am going to have the lap band surgery and I want to get that out of the way first.  But here is the ironic piece-the job is to manage a plus size clothing store!  So I will start plus size and end up a missy.  And the other thing-I do not have my job-I hate working with my mom.  And she keeps talking about backing off but just refuses to do it.  I have told her several things that would keep me there.  None yet

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Re: Job input
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2007, 05:56:05 PM »
cb I THINK YOUR ADVISE IS GOOD-what if I take it and it leads to other things.  If I had had that job before the shoe job which I wanted but did not get because I had no fashion experience I would have gotten it!  Time to take a chance!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"