My son is home from school. He didn't say a word looked more in a bad mood. I said you want to talk about anything.
He said I don't know. I said I heard about the little girl in the class and I am so sorry about last night that I dismissed what you told me. You weren't in school so I was not sure what was going on since you heard it from you friend. I should of listened more carefully, I should of found out for sure and I should of trusted your friend. I did not want to think about this could of possibly happened. I made a big mistake. I am sorry. He said that's OK, I know, but I told you. I said yes you did. Then I said how do you feel. He said, I dunno. I said are you OK? He said yeah I guess. Do you want to go to the funeral? I don't know. OK you let me know. I left him alone then.
Later I said did you talk to anyone in school. No. Did any of your class. I dunno, no. Did you draw anything. Nope.
What did they tell you. He said they told us the girl was dead, I'm sure not that way. Did they tell you why? No we did a minute of silence. Did anyone ask why? No. My friend was friends with her and he told me he watched them carry her body out. Is he OK, I dunno. He is very sad. Then he didn't want to talk so I will let it be now. He's going out to play with his friends. He is doing what he needs to do and I think they are talking amongst themselves.
I'll let him deal with it now however he feels comfortable.
There is a big investigation and no one is sure what really took place but the shootings. There is all kinds of things, talk, going on and I heard that the agencies were worried about the fathers well being because the child was very aggressive.
Either way, God show them the way home.