((((Ami)))) yer welcome!
Pennyplant... yes. It's all about the show. Ns will expeNd huge amouNts of eNergy on image maiNteNance, but woN't lift a fiNger, as you poiNt out, to give real help wheN thiNgs get gritty.
Reminds me of a post surgical church experience. [Now there's a phrase!]. I had a partial hysterectomy, because I was so full of fibroids and they were growing so fast that I was headed for fatal renal failure due to crowding of the organs in my pelvic area. Yeah, that happens. "Benign" can kill you. After the surgery, I hemorrhaged and nearly bled to death. Then I got peritonitis because they wouldn't give me antibiotics [I requested them and was laughed at, literally. No surprise, they laughed at me when I told them I was hemorrhaging, too.]
So when I finally got home, after all this, I was weak as a kitten and white as a sheet, and god help me, the church ladies started calling.
And I had this conversation more than once, almost exactly the same one word for word:
'Hi Stormy, do you need anything?'
"Hi X, no, I"m doing OK."
"No groceries or anything?"
"No, I'm OK, I laid in stores before I went in for surgery, I've got everything I need."
"Anything from the drugstore? Anything I can do?"
"Well...." [long timid pause] "... you know, I had complications, and I'm pretty weak, so the place hasn't been vacuumed in about three weeks now... "
[Definite "sniff" sound.] "Oh. Well. I'll send the maid over."
"Uh... no, please don't do that. I don't know your maid, and I don't want a stranger coming in here when I'm this weak and helpless."
[Louder sniff.] "Well, I was just trying to help!" [followed by further expressions of annoyance and criticism, followed by me ending the conversation asap.]
All. About. The. Show. Not one of them had any real interest in helping me, and it came out clear as clear the minute I asked them to do something I actually needed, rather than something that would make a good photo op.
Not much bragging rights in vacuuming somebody's place, I guess.
Do I 'harbor resentment' about this? Not really. I haven't thought about it in ages. When I do think about it, I have no desire to 'get even' about it. Nothing to 'get even' about. I'm grateful for the lesson, because it taught me more about this type of phony than years of observation would have done.
Plus, there was Strange Mercy in it. I told my petsitter about the incident, and they were so appalled that they insisted on coming over on a weekend and 'doing' my whole place. I was so touched that I cried. And you better believe, they got a BIG whacking bonus... plus I insisted on replacing their truck tires at my expense... and it turns out that working for me, plus the bonus and the help with the vehicle expenses, kept them in business that year. My little mishap gave them just enough income that they made it through a tough spot, and got their business established.
Good can come from amazing places. And it's neat, when it's mutual, too.