Hi Rosencrantz,
I missed this post until just this afternoon because I’ve been a little embarrassed by this thread (what I've said, not others) and wanted to walk away. And I assumed that since Guest was the last person posting, no new posts where here. And, well, because this thread took me to a new place last night, and I’m still kinda reeling. In a good way, but reeling. Am I a nutbag, or what? Pushing myself like this.
Anyway, to you R. I want to respond more, but just a few thoughts for now.
I’ve been worried that my last post was pushing you just as hard by asking you to look at your past in a really painful way. I’ve been doing this same looking at my own past lately because it’s the only way I’ve been able to find myself in all the murkiness – and through all the definitions. Where is that kiddo who survived so much? Instead of, Where is that difficult child who made messes all over the place? But this is an extremely heart-wrenching and disorienting experience, and I’m sorry if by asking you to do this I’ve only added to your recent battles with confusion and definitions and all that. You're doing great, though. There's so much here in your post.
while I screamed and screamed to reach her. Don't you understand you dumpkopfs that I have to be with my mother to look after her so that she can look after me????!!!!!
This is a little question that’s been under the surface of my thoughts for a while now, because it’s just so hard to reconcile the fact that I would ever run home to a place that made me sick.

I did, though, throughout most of junior high and high school. I say it's a question, but I can still hear the thought that drove me, “If my own mother doesn’t love me, how can I expect anyone else to? I have to fix things [myself] with her before I can be with others.”
I can be who you want - who do you want me to be? I'm good at that.
I used to be a chameleon. I used to pride myself on slipping into new places with new people and blending in almost immediately. Um, or… becoming invisible.

Oddly enough, it was when I worked for a Japanese company that this tactic of mine was truly challenged. I couldn’t do it there. I hit some major walls being in that culture, and it was one of the first times I really felt like, Hey, I’m limited. There are some people I just can’t be.
(But wow were there so many people I wanted to be but couldn’t. I’m just hitting contradictions all over the place right now.)
These personality issues can be so overwhelming, though. And bottomless…shifty ground…hard to stand on. And you shoulda seen me when I was immersed in Continental philosophy!

Oooo boy. Talk about thinking too much!!! And I do mean
So I tried on another extreme (I’m sorry I always resort to story telling. It’s the only way I know how to make my point without getting all abstract and meaningless). I decided, hey, you know what? I’m gonna be dumb for a while. D-U-M dumb. It was just a new role to try out at first (but then it stuck

– no just kidding

– well maybe I’m serious

– no just kidding

). But what it helped me do was say to myself, I have NO IDEA what kind of music I like. I used to know, but I forgot. Poof. I used to know how to do x, y, z. But you know, I just forgot. Poof. And that gave me a clean slate. And empty shopping cart. Hmmm. What DO I feel like trying out today?
Music can be very concrete (I love Tom Petty) but it can also be very telling (I love how free and down to earth and unpretentious and raw and knowing and unassuming he is). So I’ve been amassing a silly little superficial list in my head of “who I am.” I like Brussels Sprouts (not as much peas, incidentally). Who likes Brussels Sprouts?

Me. That’s who. I love purple with a passion, and spring colors tempt me spend insane amounts of money (I don’t, though). But…I used to wear black all the time?? Hunh. Guess I never knew.

Maybe these things will change over time, but I know they're me now. They're not a reaction to anyone else, and they're not imposed by anyone else.
So when I asked you about a book of Rosencrantz, I guess in a way I was asking you to list the bits of you that have been cropping up when pressed. A little list to go back to for these times of vertigo. There’s a you in there – don’t doubt it.

We’re physical beings and that, at the very least, means there’s something that makes us unique (MY body - not YOURS to wreak havoc with, stamp stamp stamp). Even if it’s about who eats broccoli with peanut butter (not me, I swear).
Well, I guess that's a little more than a few thoughts, but once I get going...
With love and compassion,