Yep, we all have all types of feelings all the time...
but the question is, do we act on those feelings, or keep them under control, when they're destructive?
It's one thing for me to envy X for having a one-woman show, a gallery exhibit of her photos. It's another thing for me to publish a snide, snotty review of her exhibit in my blog, or to make a point of refusing to congratulate her on her success, or to tell her that I envy her as though I were proud of my envy. See the difference?
It's what we feed that grows; that's the issue. Feeling envy isn't the problem. Indulging it is the problem.
That business of telling you you should always love everyone, never think of yourself, etc.? That's more N brainwashing. That's the codependent mantra... it's not the Golden Rule, because the part about loving yourself and being allowed to see yourself as worthwhile has been left out. On purpose.
And it's really hard to get away from this, because our society encourages it and tells us we'll be rewarded for it.