Okay, the hour of reckoning is upon me/us.
Thursday I am going in to court with my final papers to file them and speak to the judge.
Ex has filed citation waiver so I don't think he will even have to appear.
He is refusing to pay alimony if I have another child or co-habit, he is back on ADs and has that haunted look again. I am resigned more than dreading now, there's nothing else he can do to me.
If he takes son off to California well at least the last year has proved he can take care of him alone, and son has gotten older and stronger.
I will not fight him and I will not engage in any further battles, I am ready to disengage knowing that I will probably not exist if the NPD takes over!
But in resisting that for so long I've had my life on hold, so I can glimpse sunlight and a playful breeze through a chink in this mausoleum of a marriage, and I am loved by enough strong people to know that single life, remarriage, whatever happens I will be okay.
I have lost that sense of wanting 'justice' or a good resolution: what will be will be and I will be fine, even if it hurts some more.
I always knew that somewhere, I just forgot a bit. "I am a child of G_d" but I didn't want to be a helpless child....it's time I learned to trust again.
Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!