Tyana, I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better today.
I wanted to comment on Lighter's hilarious post.
Lighter wrote: Give her ego such a stroke she's speachless for a while!... maybe you can breath and think and execute some of those well laid plans while she tries to pick her chin up off the floor and basks in the warm glow of dysfuntion. ..... Hell, start makin sh*t up! Mezmerize her with some of her own brand of BS. Pull stuff out of your b*tt and see how that works for ya. It can't be any worse that trying to reason with her!
I must say, although I do not advocate being mean or selling your soul to deceit (not that you were suggesting it either, Lighter), some of this stuff actually works if you choose to interact with Ns! I interact with my Nmom rarely, but when I do, I tell myself, disengage, disengage, disengage! If she starts going somewhere horrible, I deflect it by suddenly changing the subject, and/or telling her she's fabulous. I have said (made up) nice things to her with my fingers crossed in my pocket, so that makes the lie feel better (I am acknowledging my true feelings that way). When I tell her she's fabulous, she's completely basking in the glow of her "fix" and she forgets what horrible thing she was trying to do. It's true - it's like she's mezmerized - like a freakin cobra in front of snake charmer!!!! This is only temporary of course, but it can be just long enough to get away or change the subject. When on the phone with her, and she starts going off, I have no regrets about telling a small lie -"oh, the baby just barfed on the floor, Mom, gotta go!" ... or "Ugh, I have been having a case of diarrhea lately - I gotta run! click." I have actually used the first one, but not the last one. Afraid I might laugh.
Anyway, my basic point is this. With emotionally healthy people, I can establish real, honest boundaries. In my experience, honesty doesn't work with Ns. I don't feel bad about the little lies. It's either that or NC for me.