I have been carefully planning my break away from my Nmom and my enabler father. I've been looking for new places to live, evaluating schools for my son, talking to my son and explaining our situation as best I can. I've been working on a budget. I've talked to a lawyer, and I'm planning to talk to a realtor. I even talked to my dad today and told him a little of what I'm feeling, and he was sympathetic.
So tonight, after I was asked if I'd signed my son up for a camp that he didn't seem too enthusiastic about, my mother lays an enormous guilt trip on me. She knows I"m thinking about moving. So she listed all of the things I needed to think about and consider. That my son is burned out on school, babysitters, trying to rent someplace that allows animals, etc. These are all things I've considered, all things I've carefully weighed, and I still come up with, we need to be away from the this woman. So then she tells me, that my son is afraid he's going to lose her and that if I leave, it'll just be my dad because she will grieve herself to death on my son is gone.
I can't quite figure out where she thinks I'm planning to move. I'm looking for place close to my work, which is only twenty-five minutes away, and I wasn't planning to cut her out of my life just set some boundaries. I've been seeing a counselor, and my counselor thinks my plan is good. He likes my determination. He thinks I'm doing the right thing, in fact I had my session earlier today, and I was feeling really good about myself. And then my mom lays on this guilt trip about me moving. I thought parents were supposed to WANT their adult kids to fly the nest so they could live the rest of their lives in retired bliss. I thought parents were supposed to WANT their kids to be happy, so why doesn't my happiness and my needs not matter. I do not understand. I would think she would be happy I want to leave, and instead she just keeps pulling me in closer and closer so that I won't.
And to top it all off, she's been telling my son things to turn him OFF the idea of the two of us being on our own. She seems to think there's a child predator behind every bush, so that he can't even walk the dog in the yard alone without her watching out the window. Any time I let him outside, she makes him come in. If I try to get him involved in something, she tells him all sorts of things until he doesn't want to try. He's 10, but she still acts like he's three and made of glass. My son has Asperger's Syndrome, and my mom now uses that to excuse everything, and she does nothing to help him out. He acts very normal except he sometimes has a hard time interpreting social cues, and he tends to talk incessantly about topics he enjoys. He doesn't like change, so we've had to have several discussions about what would be good about being on our own. He's seemed enthusiastic about the idea, but now supposedly, he's terrified of losing my mom (though she didn't elaborate on what that meant) and he doesn't want to move.
I am so sick of this dance, and worst of all, it makes me doubt myself. I don't like that at all.