Author Topic: Deadly Emotions  (Read 4251 times)


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2007, 08:19:52 AM »
yesterday I was feeling really up and I really think I am attributing that to a new found outlook.  I was walking through the grocery and I had this grin on my face-I feel so optimistic!  This is why-I have hope!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2007, 09:28:22 AM »
I am just beginning to see that I have a lot of healing to do. I have to first get used to the
fact that he is not coming to see me, he is not going to call me, he just simply is not going to be
around. Not interacting with him is  very very difficult. I have to readjust my entire life. I do understand that. Once just this basic fact is really settled into my heart and my mind, the healing will take place.

Everthing is still very fresh, and I really am trying to adjust, but the truth of the matter is I miss him terribly.  I am taking day by day, step by step.




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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2007, 11:08:06 AM »
It is nice to be in such good company as I strive to do the rights things to feel better, and to BE better.

Many of you talk about learning to ignore N's, and Sweet my prayers are with you, as I feel that you must ignore that dog, for your own health, both mental and physical.  In the sitution where the N is going to be allowed to stay, I think of my mother-in-law, who told me a year ago that she did this with her H.  I am learning.  It has been hard.  I felt that it was such an insult to my H to ignore him, an insult that I did not wish to inflict.  I just wanted everybody to think and behave reasonably.  I have married two MBA's (the first with a JD to boot) on the assumption that they would operate as I do.  Not.  Okay, I get it.  That's not going to happen.  Next item.

What to do with the stress? The jittery, shaky, heart-pounding, migraine-producing, nervousness of all this.  You all are doing a great job, using up all those fight or flee chemicals with exercise.  It feels wonderful, I know.  I used to work out every other day, back before I moved here to H's house (now our house).  I had a bipolar boss, and I used to think that without my workouts I would die.  Away from working out for years now, sometimes I think I will die.  Sometimes I wish I would, just to have the stressful interactions end.  Last night at dinner I could feel a migraine starting as my two kids and H got into some very disgusting subject matter.  I think that if I weren't feeling so out of shape I probably would have gotten up from the table and walked away.  Interesting that the more we sit and "take it" the less able we are to leave.  This morning, the migraine was full on.  I am fortunate in that Imitrex resolves my migraines.  H took the kids to school.  I stayed in bed and recovered.  Better now, but I do feel that I am in a rut. 

I can see you getting out of your ruts and I have hope of doing the same.  Right now, my yard need lots of attention to finish our big renovation project.  Working on that and the inside of our home, putting everything back (or tossing, donating, etc.) after our remodel is a huge endeavor.  I hope that it will tax me physically, enough to help handle the stress.

As I learn to ignore, or more accurately not respond, the stress decreases, as some of you have described.  It's like a new rule of thumb, "I will not respond to ridiculous comments."  The physical cost of such interactions is too great.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2007, 11:12:35 AM by Confounded »


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2007, 07:37:49 PM »
>>Could you explain the above in more detail?Can you tell me the process and the steps that you went through?<<<

I can try to explain it

1) first recognise your negative traits o/ learned behaviors / reactions that are a hinderance to a healthier quality of life   ie)

2) resign to work on them ( this is the consious divorce part)

3) work through them, set strong new bounderies - learning what you are responsible for and NOT responsible for ( the divorcing)

4) then put into pracitse each and every day the new way of living a healthier quality of life is the result!!!  ( learning to live apart from the bagage)  divorced

does that help? 

I do occasionally stumble , and I think we all carry a little baggage all our lives, but at least the baggage I carry now is not so detremental to my health

  (song from the Be-good Tanya's)

"Keep It Light Enough To Travel"


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2007, 07:40:34 PM »
[quote -I feel so optimistic!  This is why-I have hope!

Good for you!!!!!

Sow a seed of hope
Awaken to a dream
Lay upon your bed of faith
and move a mountain
to carry out that dream
The hands of charity
will run to meet you
Together we will fulfil the dream
thanking God for the seed sown in us
Love - the reason for every ones dreams~


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2007, 03:20:45 PM »
Thanks!!  What a cool poem.......

I am also thankful for my breakdown five years ago................I SNAPPED!!!!!!!!  Snapped!!  I went off the deep end.  Yelling.  Screaming.  Slamming doors.  It is no wonder my mom thinks I have emotional problems or Borderline Personality Disorder!!!  But the truth is I just could not take her STUFF anymore.  She pushed me too far.  But because of the breakdown, I finally set boundaries with the woman.  My anger made her a bit afraid of me and that is ok with me because if that is what it takes for her to back off then so be it!!  You know?  My anger is a little over the top all around.  I mean, if I am walking across a cross walk and someone drives right up and kinda pushes me I point to the cross walk and yell CROSS WALK!!  I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!!

Oh, I can be such a bitch!@

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2007, 06:14:18 PM »
Dear Poet,
  Thanks for that list. I am going to do it. I have been subconciously doing some of it. I get really exhausted trying and learning new behavoirs. Is this just part of it?     Thanks for all your wisdom, Friend   
                                                                                                               Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2007, 07:21:03 AM »
Dear Poet,
  >>>Thanks for that list. I am going to do it. I have been subconciously doing some of it. I get really exhausted trying and learning new behavoirs. Is this just part of it?     Thanks for all your wisdom, Friend    <<<<<

"Is that just part of it"... lol the good news is YES!!! it does sound really mechanical doesn't it?  But remember there is a real gem inside the constructed learned reactions and behaviors,  what you may not understand is "how" it is working, all you have to do is make the consious choice to change attitudes /behaviors that make you so unhappy the ones that steal your smile, the ones that are so self defeating....... and effecting the quality of life that you want to have

The best way to describe my "breakdown" is like my physcolgist said, she said the mind is like a filing cabnet , and we store hundreds of files in it, ( the files are life events and crisis and happenings), when my father died , it was just ONE too many crisis, too many files for my cabinet to the cabnet broke and files went flying all over the place..... the files then could be talked about , discussed and thrown away so to speak.... but it wasn't just the files that were the problem it was all the attitudes and hurts and pains that went along with them.... alot of destructive thinking, inherited fears* ...  alot of Anger, which I believe was not all mine, but my fathers anger injected into me.

I have certain mantra /motivating thoughts, beliefs  that are one with me.... what I mean by that is, they are engrained in my heart and mind
they are with me where I ever I go, what ever I do , like my own personal truths, my own salvation in a sense

" we only do this trip once"!!  - and when you really grasp the meaning of this, you will want to live in each and every moment, you will have a deeper appreciation for everything,  loving the good with the bad...... kinder eyes to forgive , a thankfulness for the life you have and can have!!! ( I say God is responsible ) but for me God is the core of my faith

I read this poem one day , and it hit me like a ton of bricks....... I was browsing through some old books of my husbands and I happened upon it,  this poem is how I feel about change in my own life, while she speaks about a place effecting her profoundly-  I relate the poem to my breakdown and rebirth (so to speak)

"If Once you have Slept On An Island"

- If once you have slept on an island
You'll never be quite the same;
You may look as you look the day before
And go by the same old name,

-You may bustle about in street and shop;
You may sit at home and sew,
But you'll see blue water and wheeling gulls
Wherever your feet may go.

-You may chat with the neighbors of this and that
And close to your fires keep,
But you'll hear ship whistle and lighthouse bell
And tides beat through your sleep.

-Oh, you won't know why and you can't say how
Such change upon you came
But- once you have slept on an island
You'll never be quite the same   

By Racheal Field


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2007, 05:07:09 PM »

I think anger can be a very healthy clarifying part of defining who we are and giving us the energy to defend ourselves and make ourselves safe.  Anger isn't a bad thing in my book.

It's ongoing hate that seems to do damage, IMO.


So sorry your in the void right now.  Everyone goes there.  I say this a lot but it's true.  It's the space you occupy before you fill it with better things.  If we're lucky, we make new mistakes and stop repeating old mistakes.  We put better habits in place and don't slip too badly into the old ones when we start feeling better. 

We're mindful about setting up and defending our boudaries.  That's where I fell down last time.  I had the boundaries defined, just not well defended and I got lost.  (((Sweetgrass)))

Nothing, good nor bad, lasts forever.  This too shall pass.  Promise: )


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2007, 08:31:27 PM »
Even in the Bible it says something like, "Be angry but sin not!"  I think anger is the manifestation of other emotions.  Fear.  That makes me angry.  Frustration?  That makes me angry, too.  Feeling out of control?  Anger!!!

But the key is to let go of the anger in a healthy way.  Healthy would be........go play raquetball or run around the block.  Go to the gym.  Paint a picture.  Take a nap.

Not a good way......road rage.  Yelling and screaming at people.  Drinking a six or worse a twelve pack........or doing shots of tequila.  Eating a half gallon of ice cream.  oBSESSING.  Planning revenge.  Shutting down.  Turning anger inwards.

Yes, I am angry over my past and a doc I just visited with told me it appears to her that I am well on my way with the boundaries, etc. but I need to do a little grief work...............give me the tissues! :x :(

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Deadly Emotions
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2007, 09:58:20 PM »
Good for you Kel.
I'm glad you are getting ready to grieve.

You can do it. You're only a human being.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."