Being new to the site, i really don't know if i should express my opinion to the asked question. Hoever, this particular thread is of special insterest to me. I used to think of myself as a "health hog."
For those that may not know, I found out my that my XNb/f, had been involved with another woman. I confronted him, and he has taken off, Abandoned me. Poof!! gone like a thief in the night. This is after a 3yr relationship. The stress that I have experienced the pass 3-4 weeks have been unreal. Not sleeping, unable to concentrate, dreams, crying, even an anxiety attack on last week. So YES, I feel 100% sure that we are all experiencing "deadly emotions."
Before my b/f left me, when he was around, I would be nervous inside sometimes. I always had to make sure I didn't bring up anything that would make him mad, or get him upset about anythin. Hoping that he would be in a good mood when he was with me, or that he was pleased with me. When he wasn't I would go back to not sleeping, eating, ect... sometimes I would be so upset I would not go to the gym, walk, or do anything. Some days I felt I was just paralyzed.
I honestly believe that if my body went Thur all of these negative emotions for 5,10,15,yrs My body would be a physical, emotional, mess.
So to answer the questions, yes, I too am affected.