Thanks so much! I'm really excited right now. I told my dad and my brother I'm moving, and that I would rent a truck and that I wanted to move the last weekend of this month. I had plans for the previous weekend. I told my dad I wasn't trying to be a *itch, but I needed space. Well those weren't my exact words, but I did say I needed space from her. I told him what my lawyer had said about the court date. I'll make sure I can take off a few days after we move so that my son can get settled in the new place.
Right now my plan is to tell my mom in a few days, so that I can work on my son and get him pumped up about the idea. Even though according to my mom I'm taking him out of a "stable home environment," and this is going to be terrible for him. I have decided that I will tell her the reasons for moving, unrelated to her, and I won't accept any abuse from her. If she starts, I'm going to walk away. If she continues, my son, my dog and I go to a hotel for the night. I refuse to be verbally abused, and I refuse to be emotionally manipulated.
I know she won't see it like this, but this is really a good thing. Who knows, I might actually be closer to my family, probably not my mom, but maybe everyone else. My brother doesn't come around because of her.