Have I ever considered the possibility that I am JPN? Yes, I have. Guest user. Frequently. I am sorry that you don't yet feel strong enough to look at your own mixed up, upside down life yet. We'll be here for you when you find the courage.
(I was tempted, I was sooooo tempted! Probably not quite humble enough but hey, I'm not the parent nor a therapist. No need to delete today, RG. I've got his number - thanks to Pandora's post and to yours. But, yes - good idea to check his box, it's time you took this responsibility.)
I suppose in that last sentence to RG, I'm just talking to my father-in-disguise but perhaps all of us on this board need someone else to stand up to the bullying, 'define' the bullying and deflect it, while we get on with what we need to do to repair the damage until we are strong enough.
Facing up to dysfunctional parents/spouses just means more damage before we've had time to repair ourselves. Or maybe that's just me again. Without the dysfunctional stuff going on, I wouldn't be howling with pain right now and being forced to expose the raw edges. On the other hand, the 'journey' shouldn't be so intense that it stops us functioning....anyway, I can stop there - not my philosophical/ethical problem to resolve!!!!!

Not My Responsibility. The Buck Stops Somewhere Else!!!
Actually, that fits in with what I came in here to declare ie that I can't be an adult until I've had an opportunity to be the child. Too much responsibility too soon, too much self-control required from too young an age. A good childhood allows you to kick out and gradually find better ways of dealing with things.

My own child did that on his first day at school He kept kicking out. They never forgave him!! What upset me was that they didn't look at what had been done to HIM to cause him to do it, given him other options for dealing with his anger. They punished him for not being controlled enough (at 4) when someone did something mean to him. And they scorned him constantly and relentlessly for standing in the middle of the classroom and crying - a boy. So the bullies got the upper hand. And he ended up constantly talking about killing himself and of course I wasn't wise enough to put the right two and two together - I blamed myself (I had contaminated him because I had had so many similar feelings in my life, I had (must have) brutalised him in so many ways, the shame). Thank God, we moved away. Thank God I have finally understood this last year that none of it is about 'me' and the harm I do so I could repair the harm I really did do!!!!!
My mother fondly smiles at how I used to declare 'I do as me told'. What a sweet child. You bet I did as I was asked to do, I strived and strived to please her (as children do) and she just played mind games. Being required to put up with emotional beatings and take it on the chin (what you do has no correlation with what 'virtuous-me-mother' did to you, bad girl, not nice, naughty, naughty, naughty).
Whatever I did, I got it wrong. "Be perfect - only you're never going to have permission even to get it right - and I'll portray myself as an absolute angel of a mother." (I think I'm not just being immature here - I've rejected these perceptions so often - but I think they are accurate - not 'just' the child's natural desire to see 'sweet mother')
Lots of kids would rebel (and are still rebelling so it's just as bad) - I just kept on trying. And mainstream therapy would require me to take even more responsibility for all I am. But all that I am that might be like her just gets everything confused. Guilt for blaming her for being like me. (?) But HER first. Let's sort out HER first because she's the one playing mind games. However much I'm like her, there are so many ways I'm not. (Actually I think I'm nothing like her at all - I fear that she's just my 'shadow' side and there is still much to learn but the thought that I'm 'just like her' just unhinges me!)
From her perspective, I assume she didn't actually play mind games - it was just that HER mind was in chaos and caused chaos in/for others. Don't, please don't, ask children and therapy patients to take responsibility for THAT!!!
I received a letter (see, she's getting better - a tatty old piece of paper but an A5 letter rather than a scribble on the edge of a printed sheet) complaining 'why don't you tell me what you're doing and then everything would be all right''.
Yet I had written to her last week explaining exactly what was happening!
In the old days I'd feel I was going crazy. More recently, hot frustration, guilt and anger at the implied blame, the injustice, what-will-people-think-if-she-tells-them-I'm-not-doing-things-properly, (she aims to claim that all women neglect her so I don't stand a chance).
Perhaps now I realise that's it's also a ploy, manipulation to force me to call her (but even that's only so she can twist things round and really drive me crazy so I'm ready and ripe for her to suck the energy out of to get her 'confidence' back - and if that ain't NPD, I don't know what is!!!!!!!)
But now I 'just' see her anger, manipulating me. No, I still see the persecutor on the horizon - tho that, too, is anger-based. What she's telling me (at adult level) is that 'if only' I'd do as I'm told then she wouldn't have to feel angry with me

(That's what these NHs do to their wives!) (That's what parents do to their children all the time) (If only you'd cry, I wouldn't have to hurt you any more)

I'm going to have to read Alice Miller again.
Anyway, I know without any doubt that my mother wants me to take responsibility for everything in her life so she can 'Aunt-Sally' me to her heart's content. "Knock her down and pick her up, knock her down and pick her up, knock her down and pick her up." She's a two-year-old in disguise. Baby Jane. Persecutor-Victim-Rescuer all in one. I'm outta here quite soon - I'd have been 'outta here' a lot sooner but she's managed to make everything take much longer than you'd ever imagine. You've got to hand it to her!!!!!

(I'm such a wicked daughter)
(If anybody actually read this long and convoluted post - thanks for being with me)
...and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do--
determined to save
the only life you could save.
The Journey, Mary Oliver