I'm peeved at myself for being weak. When god knows we all know women who are like iron...caring for multiple family members, working, and poor to boot. I am lucky, and I feel I shouldn't be feeling such self pity.
Dear Hops,
I am so sorry that you are going through all this stress. There is so much that I want to say,but what really struck me was the quote above.
I was just thinking today that I probably would be happy with myself IF I did not compare myself to a "standard". My N mother was the worst ,in this sense. Everything was compared to others. Every aspect of life was compared to some amorphous person out there who did it better- WHATEVER it was. I could never feel good about anything at all. There was always someone who did every little part of life better than I did,so I was a failure.
I realized today that I do the same thing. She trained me really well. I went forward as a little 'Zombie".( as Vaknin says)
When I was "healthy and centered", I remember thinking, I don't have to be the "best" in anything. I am good enough in everything that I value and I like myself. Can you believe what a healthy thought that was. I would give anything to be that healthy today.In fact, this way of thinking is what I am striving for.
To hear you compare yourself to some 'iron women" is so toxic. This in itself could be a big part of your stress. There is nothing much worse than trying so hard on something(like taking care of mother) and the denigrating yourself at the same time.It is like constantly "taking away any progress " that you make. I see you in an entirely different light. You are a hero to undertake this. Most people would not. I,as an outsider, can see it a whole different way. Your 'old patterns" are imprisoning and poisoning you.
For me, exercise is a positive addiction. Once you get in to it,it gives you all the positive things of a "bad" addiction- relaxation,peace of mind, clarity in your mind, and peace in your body. I would be so depressed if I could not exercise.- When I am exercising is when I have the revelations and insights that allow me to get a "gap' in my thinking.Also, just sweating, even in a bath with epsolm salts is very healing.
To me, one of the happiest activities in my life is exercising.I offer this as just a different way to look at it
Love and a BIG Hug Ami