I was thinking the other day . . .
Why am I afraid of this woman? And when I tried to think about why, all I could think about is the unending stream of criticism and off the wall comments she's made to me. I was afraid of her disapproval, not her. I've certainly done enough things that she's not approved of, from my job choices to my major at school. I've let her talk me out of things I enjoyed doing, like playing in an orchestra, which I really miss. I've let her talk me out of jobs, out of career choices. I've let her counsel me about what to do in various situations, and that's always wrong. I let her talk me into putting my son in a school I had real misgivings about, but I did it, and it was a disaster. When I thought about all of that, suddenly she wasn't so scary anymore, in fact she seemed a little small and weak. And then when I found about all of the court proceedings she's kept from me, I just couldn't stay in that place and look at her and pretend that everything was okay. I was already wanting to leave. I just needed that extra little push to make it happen, because if she did this to me, I have to wonder what else she's done, who else she's talked to, what else she's covered up. I can't trust her, and my ability to trust wasn't that good before I found out about all of this.
Like I told my dad, I'm not going to stay there and be manipulated because she needs a whipping post. She sits around and feels sorry for herself and she wants everyone else to feel sorry for her too. I told her that one time when she'd stopped speaking to me for something stupid, oddly enough, she started speaking to me again almost immediately. I never understood, but I knew all she was fishing for was sympathy. She wants my family to feel sorry for her because she has medical conditions. She'll do nothing to alleviate those conditions. She won't go to a different doctor, even though everyone has told her to. I'm quite certain she's severely depressed. Her doctor just looked at her and said, "you're depressed." She has this whole paranoia about anything that's said because she thinks everyone is talking about her. I am so tired of it. I can't remember the last time I really enjoyed a holiday, except perhaps Thanksgiving last year, when I got to do the cooking and everything. That was one of the better ones. I can't remember when I did anything without feeling guilty. I just don't want to do it anymore.