What I am saying about the accident ,for example is to,start writing down all that you remember about the betrayals associated with the accident. You just start writing and you will probably keep writing
It is about the feelings associated with the betrayal. They are still there inside you. You could journal about them ,first. Then later share your "feelings' on the board.
. However, you might decide that you do not want to go inside and find them. If that is so, then that is your decision for today.
However, feelings will not kill you, even if it appears that they will. They will hurt like hell,but you can share that with us. People will understand. You can't be any different than any one else on here.
When El or Blackbird shared,it opened up many people to share their own stories Maybe, those people were shut down until El opened up.
We are all tempted to think that we are the only ones or the "worse" ones. I am tempted to think that way ,too. When other's share,it helps people to know that they are not alone. .
The Bible says that 'There is no temptation taken man which is not common to man(something l.like that). Anyway, it is saying that all men have the same feelings such as betrayal, insecurity etc.
I know that the Bible is not "your thing",but IOM,it tells me about life. If it says that we all have the same emotions, I believe that it is true.
My point is that you are not the only"alien" who is different. You may have had deeper and greater pain but we will all understand the emotion of pain.
I don;t know if I am making sense. I am just encouraging you to share your truth about what is inside your particular 'nut", so to speak Love Ami