Author Topic: What's a Pink Flag?  (Read 5258 times)


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2006, 10:59:48 PM »
Wow, this thread brought up some interesting thoughts for me.

I used to relive those pink and other color "flags"  A LOT (maybe ad nauseum) as a way of processing how it was I got to "here".
I thought about sharing some of them here, but I must be at a different point now.

I guess I choose not to share because I realize that whenever I do, I can very easily relive those feelings, and it actually makes me want to spit, when I realize that my exN has taken up so much of my precious NOW.  I'm just over doing that to myself. Like picking a scab. Why? I just don't care that much anymore. Maybe I walked through that fire, and don't need to do it again.
Like Moonlight reminds us, we are not our stories.

Granted our stories can help others...I am just not sure how I can do it without irritating or boring myself to tears. Talking about my own experiences with that  just doesn't seem interesting to me anymore.
Not that you guys are boring me at all. It is remarkable how all of us seem to have fallen into similar "traps" and denial/blindness. Oh well. Whatev (as my niece would say).


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2006, 07:03:33 AM »

In some ways I feel that the more energy I give to XN in my head the more I punish myself..........really working on keepig that energy for myself.  I too am more than my experience with XN.......... thankfully.

I also understand the need to work through the stories. just trying to move a little myself.



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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2007, 08:31:56 AM »
I'm bumping this thread because it seems so relevant to a lot of the discussions that are currently going on...
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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2007, 09:39:40 AM »
--Modified; Personal Reasons--
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 09:01:26 AM by sfalken »


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2007, 10:08:27 AM »

I see "Lies" listed on your flags alot.  I had to think about this thread a lot. I really had to think about it because I didn't even consider that my mom could be an N for a long time.  I just knew she was scary.  So here are some things that I think were early warning signs for me.

1. Lies, I have to agree with this one.  Lots of lies.
2. Never believing a word I said once she had made up her mind about something.  She still thinks I was in a cult and doing drugs in college, even though I wasn't, and no amount of proof has changed her mind.
3. Projecting and displacement.
4. Dominating all conversations with the things that were going on in her life.
5. Always having to one up everyone.  If talking about your house for instance, she'll say things like, "I could do so much with that . . ."  or "When I was decorating . . ."
6. Being a know it all, even about things she knows nothing about.
7. Jealousy.
8. Making comments like, "your butt is jiggling" and then saying they were jokes.
9. Never listening to what other people say or believing anyone can have an idea but her.  Everything has to be her way.
10. Subtle and constant put downs.

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anymore right now.

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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2007, 10:31:03 AM »
Saying Yes, but.  What you SHOULD do is x.  After all, Greg and Lori have THEIR kids in church four times a week.  I was the one who started the gift standardization initiative in our industry (kind of like Al Gore inventing the internet)  If I were you I would x.  I wish you would x.  Why dont you x?  I wish you would spend all your time concentrating on your special needs daughter while working full time and keeping a perfectly clean house?  After all...

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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2007, 04:32:00 PM »
Yep, lies, lies and more lies.
Terrified of the truth.
And a flair for exagerating.
Uses a minute bit of truth to create a lie.
Has to be right.
Never, ever admits to failure, weakness, or any smidgen of wrong doing.
Greedy but appears none of these.
Always looking for a target or a weak spot in others and then bombardis it relentlessly.
Uses sarcasm to hurt.
Uses information gained from a person (or elsewhere) against that person.
Seems to enjoy watching others squirm (more obviously/big red flag....suffer).
Gossips like a mocking bird.
Always takes care of self first while prentending to be doing the exact opposite.
Cold but speaks warmly.
Cruel but pretends kindness.
Rude but can fake politeness.
Nose in the air.
Sh** doesn't stink.

Ha!  I got a good whiff!!  Pass the air freshener!!



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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2007, 06:50:49 PM »
What is the old saying about the devil coming disguised as a friend?  I have learned to be wary of people who seem to be too friendly too soon.  N's know how to put on the superficial charm, but then gradually transition over to their "real" selves. 

After 20 years away from the FOO (where intuition went numb from the constant alarm reaction) I believe my intuition is improving.  The gut early feeling that something is "off" about a person usually turns out to be true.  And it is an actual physical reaction, sort of like a stab in the stomach. 


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2007, 08:18:18 PM »
Never, ever admits to failure, weakness, or any smidgen of wrong doing.

Yes, definitely.  I forgot this one.  My mother showed not an ounce of remorse for ruining my credit.  The only thing she was worried about was that she had gotten caught.  She was ultra super nice to me for a little while because she was afraid I'd tell my dad, which I did, but not right away.  I had to torture myself for a few weeks and let it eat at me.  In fact, she denied taking out the card and tried to tell me it was someone else's.  She wouldn't take the easy route and sign a paper from my attorney, so now this will have to go through court and possibly end up in the prosecutor's hands.  If she ends up in a criminal case because of me, I don't feel guilty.  I'm just ashamed I have to take my mother to court.

Greedy but appears none of these.
Always looking for a target or a weak spot in others and then bombardis it relentlessly.
Uses sarcasm to hurt.
Uses information gained from a person (or elsewhere) against that person.

Sela, you nailed it.  All of those.  All I can do is nod my head yes.

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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2007, 10:35:29 PM »
What is the old saying about the devil coming disguised as a friend?  I have learned to be wary of people who seem to be too friendly too soon.  N's know how to put on the superficial charm, but then gradually transition over to their "real" selves. 

After 20 years away from the FOO (where intuition went numb from the constant alarm reaction) I believe my intuition is improving.  The gut early feeling that something is "off" about a person usually turns out to be true.  And it is an actual physical reaction, sort of like a stab in the stomach. 

tj, so true. so true. anyone who comes on to me too strongly sets off my radar like mad now.

I just went through that again recently - but this time it was obvious to me that I was being pressured and rushed.

All because the guy didn't want me to have enough time to figure out what he was really like... he was trying to stampede me into overcommitting. So I'd feel 'stuck' and compelled to try to make things work once he began to treat me abusively.

Which is the standard trap, of course. They never intend for things to work. The whole intent is to abuse us, only, always.

But the thing is, he was treating me abusively almost from the get-go. The difference is in me; I see it now, and I'm willing to admit it when I see it; I no longer make excuses for it, and I no longer doubt my own perception.

One thing that really struck me about this guy was his 'phoniness'. I don't know how else to describe it. The more time I spent with the guy, the more it seemed that almost everything about him was 'stagey', some kind of performance. Like a duck blind, with the real person sitting back behind the screen, cold-eyed, just waiting to pounce.

It was a very creepy feeling, and the more time I spent with him, the more intense it became.

Trust that creepy feeling. Trust your gut. When someone feels phony to you, take a good hard look at them...

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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2007, 10:47:49 PM »
Pay attention to bad listeners. Those who never let you finish your statement, because they are so eager to say what the want to say that always interupt you, in reality they are not interested in what you have to say, they think that hwat they are going to say is more important. They make us confuse with the excuse of enthusiasm fur the subject in discussion.


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2007, 10:51:54 PM »
Yes indeed, Lupita. So true!
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2007, 12:53:49 AM »

PINK Flags

One (me included) who rushes to judgment about PINK Flags...



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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2007, 09:21:28 AM »
I forgot one more.

Making grand promises and never keeping them.

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Re: What's a Pink Flag?
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2007, 05:16:07 PM »
There are so many!

I love the real-life examples as opposed to "lying". Well, what do you mean? It's more of an impact if you can tell a story.

So here goes:

(The behavior is manipulation & self-centeredness)

After I met my N, we began dating. Soon after, I heard through the grapevine that as soon as he saw me, his reaction was, "I'm going to marry that girl!" So, onward 2 months after we'd been dating a little while. He's driving me home one night and decides it's time to ask me to marry him. He puts Eddie Money's I think I'm in Love in the tape player. Then he turns to me and says, "You want to get married?" I say, "It would be very stupid of me." (I was still in high school) I said, "I'd have to think about it." So, he pulls the car over and says, "Ok. Think about it."

Arrrrr. Exasperating to me now. Why couldn't I see the manipulation?

Now, he tells that story like it's charming.

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