I'm agreeing that the sales lady was a bully and rude.
I'm not saying I would have handled the exchange between you and the sales lady differently or that you handled it the wrong way. I'm assuming that she was fairly young and a novice, commissioned sales person with only a few hours of training behind her, perhaps given by a bully. But I did get to wondering what would have happened if you'd taken a different approach with her, something along the line of:
OK, you seem convinced I need your product.
Come in, have a seat.
I'll give you ten minutes, convince me!
You listen patiently and attentively to her presentation, even asking questions about the product.
She finishes her presentation.
You kindly tell her that you appreciate her enthusiasm, but no, you don't need what she is selling.
Then you say something like, May I have five minutes of your time.
There are some things I'd like to say to you.
You explain how her approach was inappropriate, that it was offensive, but that you'd purposed to listen to her even though you had your own pressures and deadlines and knew that you didn't need what she was selling. That channeled another way, the same energy she used offending you could be used in a more productively.
In other words, turn it into a teaching moment.
Or is that cutting a bully too much slack, becoming the 'fixer', longsuffering, enabling, and controlling person? I don't know.