internalized without that overwhelming chemical dump into your system that makes you want to panic, feel like a victim and become overwhelmed.
This is the most important part.
internalized without that overwhelming chemical dump into your system that makes you want to panic, feel like a victim and become overwhelmed.
Doubting our reality is our problem, isn't it? Doubting our feelings, or even worse, outright denying our feelings? Little wonder that our stomachs are flipping and our minds are racing to make sense of something that MAKES NO SENSE!
Accept that it never will. This part is very difficult for me. I'm an optimist at heart.
I don't want to give up on someone important to me.....
yet, I must or I might not be able to save myself.
It's MY JOB to save myself.
Caretake myself.
When we really understand something, we can respond appropriately to it. That's why we need to beat that dead horse and understand our problem on a fundamental level. Then we have no more doubt. We have no more confusion. We can trust our feelings and respond appropriately with resolve. No matter what craziness is thrown in our face, we can't be destabilized bc we're grounded and we understand beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I love this place, without fear or doubt.
I know how to get there.
I'll keep beating those dead horses as long as I have to in order to understand what I need to overcome and trust myself.
An act of violence against us, physical or emotional, deserves a swift powerful action, right?
Of course it does.
But if we're kept confused and unsure of our reality, how in the world can we respond appropriately?
We can't.
When our N's are acting like helpless children who need comforting, when they hurt us and tell us they're doing us a favor or delivering advice to be helpful, it's confusing...... in fact we're told we should FEEL grateful? That is so messed up!
Unfortunately, we can't have a rational conversation with N's.
It's wasted and just keeps us mired in the craziness.
Now I understant the No Contact rule.
It took me while to get that.
Write, read and internalize your mantras, Lupita.
You get stronger with each realization you make.
You're worth protecting and you have that power, just like everyone else.
You just have to find it and use it.
It's there.
Everyone on this board will point it out to you and give you permission to excercise it.
When in doubt, fake it.
You'll get through.
Act like you want to feel.
Keep taking care of business and keep doing positive things, even if you don't feel like it.
One good feeling leads to another.
You can move through a bad place INTO a good place.
Know you can and stop dreading the pain.
The more painful the experience, the bigger the lesson it will teach.
You're gonna be just fine, ((((Lupitas)))) It just takes a while to get there.