Author Topic: Question  (Read 4707 times)


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« on: June 15, 2007, 10:32:09 AM »
This question is directed to those experienced members here.
Now I have discovered why I feel the way I feel. What triggers automatic responses. What makes me paralized.
The question is, how can I stop feeling that way?
When my mom says something hurtful I get paralized. It happenes when a stranger says something hurtful. Cant think. Cant move. How can I change that? I dont want to feel bad. How can I stop it?
Thanks for your advise.
Thank you friends.


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Re: Question
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 10:38:13 AM »
Hey, Lupita, I wish I could answer this for you, but I have a similar problem.  The words just freeze in my mouth and won't come out.  I do spend a lot of time rehearsing conversations when I have to make an announcement.  IT helps a little, but when the conversation veers off my script, I have a hard time.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: Question
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 11:11:52 AM »
Wow Tayana, it is so nice to know that I am not alone. Not that i get consolation in your suffering, but I am not retarded. What you say is exactly what happens to me.
What can we do? What can we do?
There has to be something we can do.

Love to all.


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Re: Question
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 12:04:22 PM »
Lupita, you definitely aren't alone, but I don't know what to do either.  I always thought I was a coward because I couldn't speak my mind around my mother.  The words just froze.  I used to have the same problem with my boss, but that finally got so bad that I did say something to him.  Of course, I quit just a few months later.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Question
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 01:46:00 PM »
The worst is that we cant confront abusers. One of the teachers at my school was bullying me and had not courage to confront him. Just hold grouches. And people can identify us and abuse us because they know we do not confront abusers. I have to overcome this problem. Just don't know how.


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Re: Question
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 02:51:20 PM »
Ami, Lupita...

Assertive training workshop.
Martial arts classes.
Toastmasters, Int. (no joke)

anything and everything that builds verbal confidence will help you speak up in other situations.
(Martial arts are also verbal because you have to yell. Really.)

It's all about unlocking the voice.
Even theater could help.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Question
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 11:08:06 PM »
Dear Hop and everybody, I researched and found several workshops but they are for sales, liedership in education, it might help.
But I am sure there has to be something that I can read about that. More specific.

Friends, help me out here.

Help me find something, dear friends.

God bless you!!!!!


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Re: Question
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2007, 01:47:25 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I am finding that literature is helping me more than psychology books. I have read many,many Psychology books. . Also, I have read many books on N. However, there is something about the great writers or just popular writers where they seem to understand life more.
   My problem is that I have a skewed view of myself and the world. Writers are "good" and " beloved"if they express truth. Otherwise no one would read the. Frederick Douglass- From Bondage to Freedom( I think is the name. , John Steinbeck, Eugene O'Neill, are some that are good. I am going to start reading biographies too like Eleanor Roosevelt.
   I think that Psychology can be a "small" world in that we focus on a narrow way of looking at life, at times. Many problems that we have are problems of humanity.We can think that we are in a little pigeon hole and forget that we are more than that pigeon hole. For example, someone could be labeled  some personality disorder and might not be it at all.
   I guess what I am trying to figure out is what is N problems and what are life problems.
    I want to let go of N problems and face life problems   This is where I am ,at the moment anyway.
                                                                                                  Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Question
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2007, 03:13:59 PM »
OK Dear friends, help me explain:
Today I was having lunch at a restaurant. My son pick us up, my mother and I and took us to a restaurant to eat together, my first going out since I left the hopsital.
We were having a reasonbly good time. I was going to say a joke to my son and my mother when I spotted a student and his parents. He is 17 years old, basket ball player.
I saw him and suddenly saw that he was hiding his face behind his mother, his mother and his father turned their heads towards me and laught. I of course, thought thery were laghing at me. I felt horrible. I could not talk. My son asked me what was the matter. I got mute. I said, sorry son, a senior moment. I knew it was not a senior moment. I knew it was one of those moments I felt abused and paralized. got mute and did not know what to do. It was not a seniro moment. I felt sad for the next two hours. It has been three hours now and start feeling better. It is fire crackers. I know that. But I dont want to soffer them.
I need something to do about that.
Somebody help me.


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Re: Question
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2007, 03:54:26 PM »
Dear Lupita,
    You are doing the right thing. You are asking for help. You are being honest about your emotions and you are reaching out. I applaud you for having the courage to do this.
    You are just replaying 'Old tapes'. That is all that it is.
     In your old tapes, you are humiliated and a person to be "scorned". What happened just triggered your old feelings.
    Now, you have to try to face these old feelings. It may take time to identify them. You can find out how you got them. For example,is it shame given to you by your mother.? My old tapes  are given to me by my mother.
    After, you identify what the origin is, then you can "catch it" when it comes and combat it with the TRUTH. The truth is that you are a worthwhile person even if your "feelings tell you that you are completely worthless. You got these feelings from an unreliable source- an N mother(probably)
    It is not hopeless. I am going through EXACTLY the same thing.
    I will tell you about my progress and you can share yours.
    I know that other people have gone through this same thing also.
     All those "worthless" and 'humiliating" feelings are just lies.
     You are a child of God. He loves you and He values you.
      Keep sharing and you will get out of it- step by step      Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Question
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2007, 05:15:17 PM »
I agree with Hops.  You have to mindfully train to become more assertive.

You also need to,

a)  learn to recognize poor behavior, aimed at you, and learn to block it so it doesn't get in (instead of becoming overwhelmed and paralyzed)

b)  Internalize the fact that no one has the right to treat you badly.  That way you can become angry or aloof instead of hurt and victimized when it happens. 

That's a pretty good start.  I used to write and write and write about whatever was bothering me.  When I was done I knew bc I had calmed down and could talk about whatever it was without dread or panic.  Otherwise,l I experienced the same paralasys as you. 


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Re: Question
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2007, 10:29:11 AM »

This is what I have gotten so far. We are not doing that bad. But if there are so many people suffering the same problem how come I get such a small response. There have to be more ideas. This is a good start. For a person like me that cannot afford professional therapy, I have to find my way on my own with your help dear friends.
We have a good start.

1-Replace the bad feeling with the truth. This could be done after the fact.
2-Identify the behavior aimed at you. How can I do that?
3-Learn to block the behavior. How can I do that?

I can do #1. But that is after the fact.  #2 and #3 dont know how. They sound wonderful if I can develop the way to do it.

After, you identify what the origin is, then you can "catch it" when it comes and combat it with the TRUTH. The truth is that you are a worthwhile person even if your "feelings tell you that you are completely worthless. You got these feelings from an unreliable source- an N mother(probably)

Assertive training workshop.
Martial arts classes.
Toastmasters, Int. (no joke)

a) learn to recognize poor behavior, aimed at you, and learn to block it so it doesn't get in (instead of becoming overwhelmed and paralyzed)

b) Internalize the fact that no one has the right to treat you badly. That way you can become angry or aloof instead of hurt and victimized when it happens.

I am going to start writing every single thing that happens that cause the problem, analize what do they have in common. All have humilliation and isolation. Lonelyness and sadness. Victimization. Cant confront abuser, same way I cant confront my mother. I know that already.

How can I block before it happens?

Please help!!!!!!


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Re: Question
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2007, 11:00:46 AM »

I'm starting to be able to do #2&3 a little.  I'm starting to be able to assert myself a little better, not to my mother, but to other people.  For me,  I had to talk situations over with someone and try to look at it from a new angle.  Talking it over with a friend would work for me, and I also had to find a little bit of an attitude, and just say, "The people who matter care about me. I don't care what you think."  It sounds really callous, but it does actually help.  I spent a lot of my life worrying about what various people thought about me, and how to please them and make them like me.  I finally had to stop and look at that behavior and say, "Why am I doing this?"  It does me no good.  Why am I doing it?  Then I could work at changing something.

I don't know if that makes sense, but that's sort of what I did in a round about way.  I have no problem confronting other people right now, just not my mother.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Question
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2007, 12:04:44 PM »
Dear Lupita,
   For me, therapy did not help me. if I wanted a 3 D interaction, I would join a group like Al Anon, a women's group, or another group that related to my 'issues".These are free support groups.
   I have to say that the only way that I started to get better and I am getting better is to know that God loves me as a foundation. I,personally, would not be able to face all this pain without that.
  So, I am speaking from this perspective. I study the Bible with Andrew Wommack, who is on the web.He provides many free resources. I learn how  God died for me, how God wants me to be well ,how he listens to me, how I will be with Him forever, how His opinion is so much more than my mothers' opinion etc..
   I take these ideas and fill my head with these. I try to replace what my mother taught me( I am worthless, only have value as a garbage pail for her, can't do anything right, deserve nothing etc) and I try to replace them with what the Bible says about me.
   I know that other people do not look at it this way. However, this is the way that I do it  and I wanted to share that with you.                    Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Question
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2007, 12:38:25 PM »

This is what I have gotten so far. We are not doing that bad. But if there are so many people suffering the same problem how come I get such a small response. There have to be more ideas. This is a good start. For a person like me that cannot afford professional therapy, I have to find my way on my own with your help dear friends.
We have a good start.

1-Replace the bad feeling with the truth. This could be done after the fact.
2-Identify the behavior aimed at you. How can I do that?
3-Learn to block the behavior. How can I do that?

I can do #1. But that is after the fact.  #2 and #3 dont know how. They sound wonderful if I can develop the way to do it.

After, you identify what the origin is, then you can "catch it" when it comes and combat it with the TRUTH. The truth is that you are a worthwhile person even if your "feelings tell you that you are completely worthless. You got these feelings from an unreliable source- an N mother(probably)

Assertive training workshop.
Martial arts classes.
Toastmasters, Int. (no joke)

a) learn to recognize poor behavior, aimed at you, and learn to block it so it doesn't get in (instead of becoming overwhelmed and paralyzed)

b) Internalize the fact that no one has the right to treat you badly. That way you can become angry or aloof instead of hurt and victimized when it happens.

I am going to start writing every single thing that happens that cause the problem, analize what do they have in common. All have humilliation and isolation. Lonelyness and sadness. Victimization. Cant confront abuser, same way I cant confront my mother. I know that already.

How can I block before it happens?

Please help!!!!!!

I've just recently started looking at the world in a way that makes me feel "armed."  I assume someone is going to do or say something at my expense that I'm going to have to respond to.  I suppose I come off aloof.  So what?  I always have.  The difference is that I feel more grounded.  I don't feel scattered and guilty and lost all the time.  This is BIG for me.  It's been 20 years coming.  I hope you can shortcut a bit from my lessons. Maybe you can.

When I realize I'm definately going to be dealing with a person who is going to say hurtful irrational things, I put on an imaginary helmet that keeps those thoughts from getting in.  Don't laugh.  It works for me, lol.  

When I'm in the middle of a bad conversation, before or after it, I find it helpful to rise above, figuratively, and view it from a great distance.  

I also approach the problem from the position of GIVING advice to someone else in that same position.  For some reason, that allows me to make a jump into a different way of thinking.  I suppose this could be construed as my not feeling I'm worthy of the same treatment and remedies as other people.  <shrug>  I'll deal with that later.  For now, I just want to get grounded and keep gaining knowledge and coping strategies that help me grow.  

I think you've had so few answers on this thread bc you asked the "more experienced members here" to respond.  I don't feel like a more experienced member but I wanted to give you what I've learned.  Maybe lots of people don't feel like more experienced posters?  

At a class on communicating I learned that people who are mean to us are "transferring aggression."  Think about that.  Unhappy people like to bring others down with them.  How do you feel when your boss blasts you?  He probably feels better because he transferred some of his agression to you and now you feel worse.  Those people suck, and you're not one of them.  

It's hard for us to wrap our minds around people hurting us to make themselves feel better.  We don't have to understand it, but we do have to anticipate it and accept that it's true.  For whatever reason.  Thank God we don't have to figure it out.  Too time consuming.  

Being mindful about sidestepping these people and filling our lives with better people is BIG.   We can't always get away from them at work, at least I never could, but we can make better choices about who we let into our lives.  We can make choices about how we deal with the toxic people.

I don't communicate so much with friends and family members any more.  I was counting on them for support, but they weren't necessarily able to help me, for whatever reasons.  They do love me and all but, they also have some weird stuff going on where they kinda want me to come down a few pegs.  They don't necessarily condemn all the awful things my N is/was doing to me.  I don't have to figure this out, I just have to find better support systems.  That's my job.  That's your job too, Lupita.  

If we become overwhelmed, that's our responsibilty.  I've known this for 12 years.  This fact has been internalized for me and yet, for the past 6 months, I've not been able to completely control it.  I do, then it comes and goes, right before my very eyes.  I'm learning to deal with a whole new level of anxiety and pain and fear.  I give myself a break.  Cut myself some slack and commit to finding better ways.  Just like you will.  

So far, beating a dead horse is the best way for me to find more peace.  Talking, writing thinking about what's bothering me till I've distilled it down to it's smallest most elemental parts.  That removes the confusion and restores peace.  It's time consuming and I have children who need attention.  It comes and goes.  

My T doesn't necessarily have any magic.  What he offers is validation of my feelings and he reminds me of things that I find hard to grasp.  You can find that here.   He can provide some shortcuts but, for the most part he feels helpless with me, and that makes me feel better.  You have that here on this board.  You can keep moving forward with or without a T, Lupita.  

If you help someone else learn a lesson you've already processed, it helps you too.  Teaching is the next level of learning.  I hope that makes sense.

While you chew on all this, start internalizing the fact that you can trust your feelings and then begin doing just that.  It's a delicate balance to keep exploring our realities and at the same time, quit doubting what we should already know.  You deserve to be treated well.  DO NOT DOUBT THAT.  IT'S YOUR JOB TO REQUIRE BETTER TREATMENT.  This is a truth that matters even if you don't yet feel it inside.  It will come.  s

I think most of the problems we experience come from a certain amount of "learned helplessness."  There are threads on the board right now that go over it.  I find the subject uncomfortable and that means I need to own some of it.  I'm working on that.  

For whatever reason, we've been trained to let others stomp on our boundaries and make us believe we don't have the ability to change that.  That seems to be the biggest difference between us and "typical, normal" people who do stand up for their rights.  We have to convince ourselves that we are worthy, capable of protecting ourselves.  Then we begin faking it till we get it.  It's a process.

That seems to be the path, as far as I can tell.  I also find it helpful to "file" people in your head and heart.  You may choose to keep your N mother in your life but REFILE her. (Or you may choose NC, at some point)  It's OK to love people the way you need to, even if it's not what they say THEY NEED or want or that you owe them.  You can still love your mother and choose to have no contact with her.  Whatever you need is OK.  Regardless of what others say THEY NEED.  

Your mother and boss, IMO, don't deserve your trust and they should be handled like unstable people who do you harm.  You don't have to figure out WHY they do it, only believe that it's true and accept it.  There's no changing those facts.  Once you internalize it, some of the horror of the realization begins to dwindle then it becomes just alarming then sad and finally it's just a fact you've internalized without that overwhelming chemical dump into your system that makes you want to panic, feel like a victim and become overwhelmed.  

THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU CHANGING YOUR BEHAVIOR TO GET THEM TO BE KIND OR DECENT.  They won't ever be that.  Give up that hope and change yourself FOR YOU.  This is about making peace with your reality and building a whole new one.  You can do that.  

Remember... it's your job to NOT become overwhelmed.  You can't control that boss or N mother, you can control you, your thoughts and responses.  What becomes habit eventually becomes a pleasure.  It's mindfully FAKING new healthy habits that's the really hard part, IMO.  If we can keep it up, it eventually gets easier then becomes a part of who we are, and that's the goal, IMO.   Fill your life with new things and people that build you up.  Gain confidence and find pleasure through new things you were afraid to try before.  That's a job for you to focus on now.  It will help lead you to a better place.  

Our parents didn't teach us how to set up and enforce healthy boundaries.  In your case, your mother kept you torn down and living in a state of confusion.  You understand that now.  You can get un confused.  You can find healthy people in your life.  You can replace the bad with good.  It's possible and you can believe it and work towards it.  Sure there will be ups and downs but, know in your heart that you are going to feel better and find better ways to live.  It will happen.  

You should have at least one person in your life you can tell EVERYTHING to.  All your flaws and perceived weaknesses, and still be validated, accepted and loved for who you are.  That's part of being human.  We all need empathy.  You never received that.  Many of us haven't.  You can find those things for yourself and it's your job to do so.  It doesn't have to be a T or someone in real life, yet.  It can be this board and you can get the validation you need to grow stronger.  Sorry this goes on but I wanted you to hear these things before I have to leave the house and be gone for a little while.  

You've found this board and that provides a healthy model for finding safe people in real life.  I think having people in our lives who tell us the truth is absolutely priceless.  I count on this board for that too.  

Saying NO to unhealthy people in our lives leaves room for healthy people.  Very important to stop letting toxic people IN.  

Being alone can provide the space to really grow and learn through the sad and lonely times we encounter in that dark scary place.  It helps to make it through when we know it will be over soon and we will emerge stronger and more capable than before.  This is a truth.

Eventually, we realize how strong we are and we get better at recovering and adding coping mechanisms.  The ball begins to roll and we try to keep it on track.  

Sometimes we go a bit off track but we forgive ourselves then get back to doing what we know works.  Forgive yourself and be kind.  Your worth it, that much I can tell you without any reservation, Lupita.