Hi everyone. I found this board last night and joined immediiately. Long story short, I have dealt with a lot of N's in my life. Have spent many years becoming both as knowledgeable as possible, protecting myself and/or extricating myself from the situation. My N"s have included my father, my older sister, my first husband...etc.
However, my current situation is why I am posting. I am not happy in my marriage and don't know what to do. I have been married for almost 15 years. During that time, I have financially supported and provided. I have been the "provided", the maid and housekeeper, the yard man, the repair person, the person who strips and stains our decks. With the projects to keep ouir home in shape...etc. I physically do a lot of this work myself. As the years have gone by, this type of work is no longer enjoyable to me and I physically am getting tired of it.
Cutting to the chase, I am married to a golfer who spends all of his free time on the golf course. When I ask him for help, he tells me "to do it myself". We do not share any interests other than our "blended" children. We do not go to church, because he is on the golf course. He did not make it to his "own" sons college graduation because he played in a golf tournament and did not want to wake up and drive the 3 hours necessary to get to the graduation on time (this spring).
I am always "alone". We do not have couple friends that we do anything with. He has his golfing buddies. I have my friends...but it is hard to do things with them at night...as they are with their husbands and other friends. We eat in separate dens, we watch t.v. in separate dens..etc...etc.. Mainly because he is glued to the sports and gambling channels. He has come and gone pretty much as he pleases all of our married life.
In the past when he got himself into a gambling, investment situation and lost a lot of money, he became angry and "left" when I would not bail him out of it. For 12 years, he would get angry and leave the house. The first time he devastated my young daughter (he had adopted her)..and I have probably never forgiven him for that....not really.
Because of his leaving like this, there is a level of trust that is not there. I do not trust him with my money...or to provide for me...or to help me build a life.
While he has helped his first wife financially with child support and gives me something to live here, he truthfully has never had any primary responsiblity for raising children, building a home, financing a life. He is always in the "helping mode". He helps, but doesn't have the responsibility.
I do not feel I have a partner...and when I say something I may as well be talking to a brick wall.
It has been like this the large marjority of our marriage. Because I had children and had my work (at that time) to keep me very busy, and because we had both been divorced .....family was my priority ..I did what I could to keep our family together. The children are now basically grown ....and I am lonely. I should have predicted this. In fact I did.
I can hold my own financially and do not need this. I told him Friday night , I had had it....that I will not live my next 25 years like I have lived the last 15, that I wanted a divorce and I wanted him to leave......and asked him to go to the "apartment he conveniently built for himself over his business". He won't go. I told him I wished him no harm but that it was clear golf was his priority and golf is what made him happy. That was o.k. But that it does not make me happy. Living with him with golf...is not what I want and that my needs are not getting met. etc..etc... Where has he been since this conversation? On the golf course.
All I know is that I do not like my life with him. It is pimarily the golf, the gambling trips with his buddies, the golf trips with his buddies , holding up in our bedroom when he is home watching sports, my doing all the details of our lives in the house and not giving me the time of day. We spend virtually no time together doing much of aything. If by chance we go to a mall on the occasionaly afternoon (rare), he is not enjoyable to be around.
Several years ago, when he left in anger....he came back into our home and "took" furniture I had purchased for our home....to put in his new apartment he built over his office....while I was at "work".!!! BAsically he snuck in with a friend....behind my back and took stuff I had paid for. He We were separated for 9 months. I had legal papers drawn up. He came and cried and told me he knew he had not been a good husband and promised to do better. That lasted about 6 months.
The other parts of my life are fine. I know that if "nothing changes, nothing changes". And I know it is up to me to make the changes in my life...that may lead to some open doors...allowing some positive things in. I will be sad as I will miss seeing the step sons I have raised.
We live in a small community where "everyone" knows "everyone".
Any adivce or thoughts ...will be appreciated.