Oopsie [head smack] I left out the most important thing, in my previous post, Sheehs1.
I am writing from the perspective that your husband is an addict.
He happens to be addicted to a process, a game, golf, rather than to a chemical. Although actually, a lot of people who are addicted to sports, such as running, are addicted to the chemicals their own nervous system makes when they are playing the sport [endorphins].
As you describe it, he behaves exactly like a stone alcoholic, except that it's golf, not alcohol, and so you don't have to pick him up out of the gutter, and he doesn't throw up on the rug. I hope.
In this context, hopefully what I said before will be more helpful.
You might try an Al-Anon meeting, or there used to be something called Gam-Anon, for family and friends of gambling addicts. Even though it's a different process, you may find that there are many common issues. And this is a good place to go to get your 'head back on straight' so that you can decide if you want to stay, with a realistic picture of what there is for you in the relationship, or go, with a clearer picture of what there is for you if you leave.