Dear Storm and friends,
It is amazing to me that every time I need to feel understood, or that I begin to doubt my own perceptions and feelings, I can come on this board and everything feels clear and stable again. It's incredible, how identical our experiences have been.
Yesterday I was really grieving the loss of my enabler father, because he was the only gentle presence in my life, and yet he let my crazy N mother terrorize me and my brother . . . and he was ALWAYS offering sops. And now he's angry with me for not wanting to stay in the "cage" with him.
He tried at first to be a fence-sitter, when I first stood up to Mom last January . . . but she is making everyone pick sides, and her side appears a lot stronger and more convincing than mine, because of all her lies and grandiosity.
So I'm basically left with my husband, my two precious children, and myself . . . and that is wonderful.
I'm going to keep going through this process of letting go . . . although I don't think I can ever get my father completely out of my heart. I believe he loves me in some limited fashion. It's very hard, though, to accept that someone can love you and yet be so weak that he is willing to betray and hurt you, for the sake of maintaining his own relationship with an N.
Hugs to you all!
<<Anyone who picks an N as a partner and stays with them will find that - they're expected to assist the N in abusing anyone else that they might otherwise care about. Because Ns cannot share, and they demand absolute devotion. Caring about anyone else, even one's own child, even if that child was conceived with the N, is intolerable disloyalty, where the N is concerned.
So the Ns enlisted our fathers to betray us. And our fathers went along with it, because they were forced to choose, and they picked the abuser. [This is not limited to fathers, of course. Enabler mothers favor their N husbands over their own children just as often with equally disastrous results, often alienating one or more of the kids for life.]
Of course, Ns being Ns and enablers being enablers, when you see this, and point it out, it is YOU who will be accused of polarizing things and trying to make people take sides.>>