Lupita: Our posts are not of interests to everybody.
if we were talking in person we do not know if we would listen.
What do you think of your
>>>>>>>>The hardest thing I think, for someone who was raised dysfunctionally, is to realize that everyone is NOT THEM nor a PART OF THEM. To me, I understand that everyone is not going to want to read my posts nor hear my voice. That is because, I realize that others are INDIVIDUALS. Not everyone can grasp this, when they were brought up by a mother or father that saw them as "extensions" of themselves...usually saying CRAP like "now now, you don't want to make mommy look bad, do you?"
Now, what do I think of myself? I think my self needs IMPROVEMENT in listening to others who are talking about something that I don't find interesting. I tend to have a problem with the following things about other people:
misspelled words
child-like grammar
child-like behavior in adults
talking about sports or politics
talking too much, non-stop
any so-called parent who is being cruel to their child verbally or physically
anything that I perceive as misleading or unjust
people in perpetual denial about past or present behaviors
constant comments about what I'm doing while I'm doing it (ex: "ohhh, you're making a sandwich. you're going into the living room. you're rubbing your you have a cold?"
people who try to mother me (unless it's something I choose to submit myself to)
anything or anyone that is REPETITIVE...can't stand any sound, song, words that repeat...makes me want to crawl OUT OF MY SKIN!
When ANY of the above things is going on, I start to feel anger rise up in me. It's something I've had to work on all my life and am still working on it!