Sometimes people stay in bad relationships because they are afraid they will not find anyone else. Afraid of lonliness. I have no idea if that is of any influence to you, but I still wanted to mention, do not buy into the ideas about age & finding a partner, that he has told you. You, an older (than he) emotionally stable woman, will fair so much better than this "younger" emotionally barren, ill soul.
Move on completely from this life energy & spirit sucking entity. You will only find yourself in complete & utter hell, if you deal with him in any way.
Though your concern about abandonning someone in need is appreciated, his healing path is not in your hands, but lies elsewhere. He is too ill. There is nothing you can do. He is only able to seek out victims, prey upon them, abuse & use them. Straight out of his own mouth (as your rendition of his words show) he is telling you that you will be chosen for that role if you have anything to do with him.
In essence, should you stay, you will know exactly what you've signed up for. In that case, how could you argue against your treatment & push for something healthier?
Believe me when I tell you that there is a part of him that would tell you himself, to run, run, run from him, and don't look back, if he could. In fact, many N's (which he seems to be at the least) do forewarn in this way. The recipients usually make the understandable error of taking those comments in gest. After all, why would we think someone is seriously sickly warning us of their intent to wreak havoc on our hearts, souls, lives...
Run for your life & for you sanity. Anyone who has been involved with an N for an extended period will tell you that this is not an exaggeration by any means. Perhaps even an understatement. Thank your lucky stars your brush with N has been relatively unentangled, and short lived (though 3 mnths. of N madness may have feel like a decade) and erase this man from your world, completely.
The only thing to hold onto out of all of this, are flags to watch out for when meeting new men in the future.
Take good care...