Author Topic: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----  (Read 2604 times)


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Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« on: April 14, 2007, 03:14:35 PM »
I gave been absent with not much to say...............

Some of you might remember that I write/wrote songs as a hobby, lyrics and music.

I was a teen in the ’50s with the only radio station playing Country and Western songs

I Can’t Stop Loving You
Let Me Go
Dark Moon
Making Believe
Farewell Party
I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
And some of my titles:
I Need You To Help Me Let Go
Losing You Was The End of My World
You’ll Come Back To Me
Tomorrow Was One Year Ago
The End Of Time
Sad and Blue
Hanging On To A Dream

Well you get the drift……………….

Now that I have been on here, I have read so many positive posts that I cannot get back into that---needy, lost, lonely, heartbroken songwriting mood. I just went back to my lyric posting board and everyone is still writing about lost loves and ending their lives and not having any choices…..not having any hope………

I said Hi to everyone and I  posted an upbeat song of mine regarding my old Aunt Nelly who was a bootlegger

I also have my Therapist to thank that I am stuck in this more positive mood and I don’t want to :force: my way back, just to write a song. The tearjerkers were easy to do then.

Did any of you find yourself influenced by your generational music. It is said that what you hear as a teen is likely what will stick with you for life. So I’m C&W ‘50s and changing.

I’m alive and well and going shopping.



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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2007, 03:58:25 PM »
Hey Izzy, music is great! it makes me happy when Im sad, it eggs me on to succeed when I feel I am failing and its also good to have a singalong when youre down to a great uplifiting tune  :P  (well I say sing...  :shock:    :lol:  ) I also dont like some of the dreary melancholy stuff I used to listen too only last year, its better to be uplifted than to be brought back down as you say  :D I like that new song by Pink - Leave me alone (Im lonely) Rocking tune and good lyrics too although could be construed to be a little downbeat but hey cant have it all right!  :D  I also like that song California by Phantom Planet used as the theme tune for The O.C. show that was on TV, rocking tune too! Love to have a good dance too that always makes me feel good. So was I influenced by music as a teen, yes, but also influenced by music all through my life, I also love the song Pain by Four Star Mary the lyrics are soooo good and the tune and beat are weeeeelll cool too (bit melancholy lyrics but still uplifting!)
Big hugs Izzy and glad youre feeling the beat of the happiness you so deserve!  :D


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2007, 04:55:35 PM »
My friend told me her t told her that whenever you are blue you need to listen to songs from a time that made you happy so she downloade songs to her Ipod And walls to them.  Paradise by th Dashboard Light, Heard it in a Love Song, Free Bird, Old Foreigner songs, and Thursday night I went to Peter Frampton concert and it made happy!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 06:28:28 PM »
Hi James and OC

Thanks for the replies.

I don't know the songs  you mention as I realized when I wrote that post, I no longer listen to the radio for what is NEW. Our main station is Golden Oldies so I put the TV on a channel that plays Classical songs, OR I can hear the Oldies, different types, played by piano and that mellows me right out.

"songs from a time that made you happy " I believe I've heard that and know I have felt the effect when I do that--

" Peter Frampton " I've heard of.

On another note of being in my positive mood, I went shopping today, the market, then I went looking for something springy in clothing.

I bought
3 blouses--white, pink, black
1 skirt--white
3 pr underpanties--peach
1 purse--beige (and already have beige shoes I've never worn)
1 scarf--yellow and white that doesn't match anything------(yet)

So who gets my money? The Therapist, The stores, or the Drug companies--- Therapist charges the most.

Love Izzy


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 08:18:22 PM »
Hey Izzy, yeh those songs I mentioned are reasonably new but I also love golden oldies too, Elvis songs are still great although I dont dig the Beatles really, I listened to them for about a week and then I dont really like them anymore - thy're a bit bland for me - throw away pop of the day really (bet there'll be people out there to get me now - eek!! Sorry Beatles fans) Although I did like Lennons songs more and I liked McCartneys frog song that was fun hee hee!  :D I love the all soul music too, plus a little classical can never go awry :) Also love Avril Lavigne tunes that girls got the right idea, fun fun fun yey!!

Your shopping trip sounds fun, Ive been doing some ebaying myself so got some stuff coming through the post which is always fun to look foward too, its like getting presents from yourself which is kinda selfish but still fun!  :D Also boo to the drugs companies and yey to the Therapist even though shes expensive (but worth it! Isnt that a milk tray ad? or is it herbal essences, damn Im brainwashed by TV ads!!)
Love ya


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2007, 08:58:55 PM »

What IS this creepy little guy with the lightning bolt?  I've been wondering since I started seeing it on your posts.



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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2007, 09:14:22 PM »
Thanks  James

I forgot until you mentioned, but YES. I have always liked Elvis. (No Beatles either, here)

He and Johnny Cash came out about the same time, but I will tell you I followed Johhny Cash everywhere I could. I watched him all the time and saw him age, and he was still my sweetheart!

I have a pic of myself in his driveway in Hendersonville and one of my daughter in the other driveway (as well as in front of the House of Cash, Administrative Offices)--think the house driveway was an arc. There was a guard at the gate. Summer of '81.

Yep loved my shopping! Had all the time in the world, no one to answer to. Was doing for myself, more than I have been doing in the past few years.

Is your Tax Return done and mailed?

Canada here and I have until the 30th. I did it, then left it for a few days. Just finished it now, after a fresh look discovered a transposition error.

Happy Daze!


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2007, 07:54:25 PM »
Hey Guys, Laura the little guy is Yoda out of the Star Wars movies, he's one cool wise little dude and also strong in the force!  :D He fights evil and generally kicks some hardcore booty  :P Also he's not creepy, much  :lol:

Izzy - yeh I have to say I'm no shopper-holic but I love a good spree someimes, sort of a blow out, sets me up for a while before I do it again  :) Also its a good way to find oneself again, getting back to finding out what you do and dont like, ive nearly found myself but I keep nipping off round the corner but i'll catch me in the end although I'm a slippery little bugger!  :P

Transposition errors are indeed a nightmare, i've been doing a few lately, must be in the air!

Love ya

cats paw

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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2007, 10:50:14 PM »
Hey Izzy!

   Just a quick hello- wondered what you were up to the last couple of days.

Hey James!

    Hello to you as well -  I see the force is really with you tonight.



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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2007, 05:25:13 PM »
Hey Cat hope your well and yes Im feeling the good force of happiness these days and seems like others on here are feeling it too which is great  :D so may the force be with you Cat and too everyone, the darkside shall not take us! we shall prevail!!  :P


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2007, 08:50:44 AM »
Hi folks,
This is a great topic for me as I was a DJ for years! I started in 1979 until May of 2006.
I worked all kinds of formats. Rock, Pop, Soft Rock, Oldies & finally Country.
Country ALWAYS put me in a funk because of all the "I love my Mom & Dad" songs! Boy, I could not relate!!
Anyway, I'm going to post a song by Skylark that was popular in the 70's.
Anywhere else this might be labled as self-pity. But here on this board MANY of us have had N parents that devistated our life's, so I know nobody will ridicule me!
So here goes! This song still makes me cry!

She's faced the hardest times
you could imagine
and many times her eyes fought back the tears
and when her youthful world
was about to fall in
each time her slender shoulders
bore the weight of all her fears
and a sorrow no one hears
still rings in midnight silence,
in her ears

Let her cry, for she's a lady
let her dream, for she's a child
let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower,
growing wild

and if by chance I should hold her
let me hold her for a time
but if allowed just one possession
I would pick her from the garden,
to be mine

Be careful how you touch her,
for she'll awaken
and sleep's the only freedom that she knows
and when you walk into her eyes,
you won't believe
the way she's always paying
for a debt she never owes
and a silent wind still blows
that only she can hear and so she goes

Let her cry, for she's a lady
let her dream, for she's a child

let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower,
growing wild

I bet alot of you can relate to this, huh?
Thanks for letting me post!

"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2007, 04:53:11 PM »
Thanks Dear Friend,
 I think that we have to feel and face all our feelings until we face them fully. Then we will start to heal. 'You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.".                Love Ami

P.S. is the 'Pearl" Jesus?
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 06:02:32 PM »
Hi Ami,
Thanks for understanding about the song. I went to NA & AA meetings for years & they encouraged you not to consider yourself a "victim". So....I think I set myself back about 10 years by never allowing myself to have any negative emotions about my abuse.
I guess like most of we children of N parents, we abuse ourselves in many ways.
MY drug of choice is pain pills. ANYTHING not to feel.
This board & it's dear people (like you), have made so much of a difference!
I think it's because of 2 reasons: I found people who UNDERSTANDS you can't just "get over it"
And, another reason is, that I can TALK about the abuse without being labled a "crybaby".
OMG! That is so wonderful! Thank you to EVERYONE!
Of btw, the "Pearl" is the "Black Pearl. Capt Jack Sparrow's ship. In Pirates of the Caribbean.
But, I am a Christian, & know that trust in GOD is the truest for of freedom!
Your friend,
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2007, 06:25:30 PM »
I've been in the car a lot and pay attention to how the music makes me feel.

I'm OK with the songs from my teens, the 70's & 80's stuff that is. 

The modern stuff reminds me of my N and I don't want to hear it.  I don't want to listen to stuff that makes me uncomfortable any more.  The 90's remind me of painful memories with other people. 

Classical, PBS talk radio, Celtic and 70's and 80's are about all I listen to now. Big Band and Blues are OK every once in a while. 

My father grew up with the bobby sox 50's music.  He always said it was one of the reasons he let my mother ruin his life.  All that true love stuff.  Not that I think she ruined his life. Not that I think he believes she did either. 

Just interesting that you posted about it and he grew up in the same era as you with the same feeling of being branded..... influenced, by the music. 


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Re: Were you influenced by songs of your time/teens?-----
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2007, 08:51:51 PM »

Hi Iz,

Oh yeah, I twitterpated to a few old tunes.  Some of the ones on your list.

I'm Bluegrass and holding!
