I have an N “friend” of 40 years, since high school.
I have wondered why I continued to maintain the friendship. It was fine from a distance – an occasional phone call and a brief meeting when I was in town. However, whenever the contact became more frequent, it soon becomes tedious, and I become frustrated or very angry. I cannot rely on him, I am embarrassed to introduce him to my real friends, and he has enraged me a number of times. I had pretty good parents, have no inclination toward codependency, was married a very stable woman, etc. So why did I maintain this “friendship?”
I reflected on this when it became unbearable and finally realized the terrible reasons. First, his energy and fantasies can be interesting in very small doses. However, much more than that, the disease was infectious! He had put the poison in my mind that I was really better than everyone else. How easy life becomes with that! Whenever there was some normal conflict and stress, I could retreat to my kingdom where I am superior to my surroundings, above it all. I have had a farily normal life – a marriage to a good woman, job success, and a couple of stable kids who are now grown. A couple of years ago, I went through a divorce, moved to a new town, and started a new job. I was alone and shaky, and the N went for the jugular. I got re-infected with the idea that I was superior to everyone and above it all, so the people around me were not worth any effort. How easy! I felt something was wrong. It was probably like a drug. There is a temporary good feeling, but one knows that one’s soul and humanity are being destroyed. I cut off the N supply two months ago. Naturally, he stopped contacting me. The result is amazing! I am enjoying people in the community, seeing their humanity, and they are contacting me.
I am writing this because I may have a different point of view. Most people here seem to have been intimately involved as a spouse or a child of an N. I became an infected person who absorbed the disease to some degree. So far, my healthy part won out, but the N thinking had to be fought before it destroyed me. Under its brief spell, I was incapable of love and friendship, and was becoming isolated. Of course, I still worry because some remains.