Author Topic: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!  (Read 3012 times)


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Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:04:44 AM »
Hi Everyone,
I feel so lucky to have found this board!
I am a 49 yr old female with everything in life going for me except one thing. I have a broken heart.
Not from my wonderful husband or children, but from growing up with an N mother. If you'll permit me, I'll tell you a little about myself. My mother was only 16 when I was born. My dad took off when I was about 9 months old. (That's another heartbreak). My N mother told me for as long as I could remember that I "ruined her life". The only thing that saved me was her parents, my maternal grandparents. They were sooo wonderful to me! They could never understand why she hated me. I wish she would've let me stay with them, but I became her pawn. She didn't want me, but she would not let them have me. So, she married again & again. She did stay married to my 3rd step-father for about 30 yrs. He was a wonderful, but very weak man. She ate him alive. He died penniless, alcoholic & alone. I lived in another state & could not help.
They had 2 boys who I pretty much raised. She never once (that I remembered) held me or touched me or spoke to me with love & affection. She really hated me.
Beatings, humiliation & scorn is all I remember of my childhood. My brothers faired a little better, but not much. She once set us down & told us (with no emotion, just fact) that me & my littlest brother would not be here if she had it to do over again. My oldest little brother was spared. Why, I don't know. She once threw him across the room & said "does anybody want a baby?" He bounced off the couch & hit the floor. I have never understood how she wasn't put in jail for abuse. I guess back then people didn't get involved.
Anyway, she never let us eat breakfast because she worked nights & we made too much noise.
I once was caught on my neighbor's roof watching them eat dinner. I was locked out of the house & I was hungry. I was on the part of the roof that jutted over the dining room. To this day, I cannot stand to look at tomato soup. That's what they were eating. Why the neighbors didn't call the police, I don't know. It wouldn't of done any good anyway. My N mother could fool anybody.
She once told me I became unlovable at age 7. 7! I don't know why she said that. She never loved me at any age. Besides, what can a 7 yr old child do to make her mother not love her?
But of course I took all this to heart. I became everything she said I was. I turned to men, drugs ect.
I have 2 beautiful daughters & a step-son. I was not a good mother to my girls. I was too zonked out on pain pills to be there for them. When they became older (and when I woke up a little) I got down on my knees & begged for their forgiveness. They are grown women now & I think they do forgive me. The other day my oldest gave me the surpreme compliment. That I was the best grandma to her 2 boys she has ever seen!!! Cool, huh?  I, unlike my N mother, LOVE my grandkids.
My mother has not seen hers in years! She does not care to.
In a final, horrible twist, my great aunt passed away a couple of years ago & left alot of money in her will. She never had any kids of her own & it was supposed to be split between my mother, her sister (who I adore) & a cousin. With a generous amount to me & my 2 daughters. Well, in typical N fashion, she gained power of attorney when my great aunt was senile & changed the will. The only thing we got was a few savings bonds that she could not manipulate. Since I was out of state, my aunt & cousin hired an attorney to fight for all of us, but lost. Now no one in the family speaks to her. I cannot imagine taking money from anyone, let alone my own GRANDKIDS!
She said we didn't "deserve" the money because I didn't help take care of my great aunt in her dying days. Mind you, I lived out of state & my aunt (her sister) is legally blind & can't drive. And when my great aunt was alive & healthy, she NEVER paid any attention to her. NEVER! She just smelled the money. Period. She is now rich but alone. But...she sees nothing wrong with that. Me & my 2 brothers still talk to her. Why? I don't know. It's not for the money. She wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire. I guess I hope one day she'll wake up & call me to say how wrong she was to be so mean to me, her only daughter. I know, FAT CHANCE, right?
I guess to be honest, I'm hoping she'll give me back the money that is rightfully mine. She did call out of the blue & ask me to go to ITALY all expenses paid! I, like a fool, went. My husband warned me not to go. But I did. She spent the whole 8 days humiliating me in front of the whole tour group. I was so ashamed! I had a doctor & his wife come up to me & tell me that they had noticed how hard she was on me. But because she's an N, they said she must of had a hard childhood! BULL! We had it out in the hotel room in Rome & she told me if I was waiting for an appology to "not hold my breath". She even told me that if abortion was legal in 1957, I would not be alive today. Nice, huh? I even ended up applogizing to HER! For upsetting her!
My husband is so worried about me that I promised I'd get in touch with a therapist.
I've been in & out of NA & AA, but they always tell me to "get over it". Just how does one do that? On the outside I look normal. But on the inside I am shattered. It's so funny, I'm a "strong" woman who doesn't let anyone walk all over me. Nobody but her! When she calls, I'm 3 again. Crying out to my mommy "Love me, PLEASE!! But she never does. Oh, BTW. I looked my bio father up in the phone book when I was 24. BIG disaster! He tried to molest me like I was his girlfriend! I quickly cut all ties & he died in the 90's at age 55. So much for the long lost daddy "hero" riding up on the white horse to take me away. I guess after I deal with my N mother, I'll have to deal with THAT betrayal. Such heartache in this crazy messed up world! At least here, I feel I can talk to you & tell my story without someone telling me to "get over it". I can't wait to start theraphy. Maybe I will patch up my heart a little bit. The pills aren't working anymore. AA & NA will not work for me until I address my N mother & Absent father issue. Believe me, I've tried. Since 1988. It's all about not playing the "victim". Believe me folk. I'm not "playing one. I AM ONE! I'm just don't want to be anymore!
Thanks for listening.
If I don't answer back to your replies right away, it's because I've gone to bed. This really has helped, but It has also wore me out. Hopefully, I can talk to you folks tomorrow.
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2007, 12:40:25 AM »
Hi, bigalspal,

You are so strong under your circumstances.  It is a survivor's story, I am amazed at your resilence.

I am new here as well, and I have a N mother.     

Welcome to this wonderful board. 


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2007, 12:57:21 AM »
Welcome, Bigalspal...

I'm glad you're here.
I'm sorry your mother was a selfish violent child.
How awful that must have been for you.

I have a thought, a sort of image of your healing that popped into mind:
could you manage 2 hours a week in a very involving, very very much
needed, deeply making-a-difference kind of volunteer with poor and
neglected children?

If you have the time (not sure whether you're working FT) you would
be an amazing grandparent volunteer in a school. They are so desperate
for help (both children and the schools)..

Somehow I think that would move you off the stuck places.

Welcome again. Thank you for bravely telling that whole story.

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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2007, 01:24:39 AM »
You seem to have a handle on what happened and that you didn't deserve any of the abuse. 

I'm sorry that happened to you, welcome.


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2007, 05:15:04 AM »
Hello Bigalspal!

I am sorry that you have suffered so.You deserve to be protected from those who mean you harm, whatever DNA they might happen to share with you.Your mother is cruel and twisted, and you have no duty to take her irrational sickness to heart. It sounds like you have a loving and caring husband, who understands the dynamics at work here with your N Mom. Perhaps you could limit your contact with NMom to those situations which would allow you to leave immediately when her inevitable psychotic behavior surfaces ( you might just call to inquire as to her state of health, etc., regularly). Also limit the domestic fallout from NMom's drama, concentrate on your loved ones ( it sounds like you are great at this), and live your life with the dignity and strength that you have earned as a self-made person. Your mother's receipts from the theft of your inheritance will never fill the empty black hole in her heart. You, however, have love and are truly rich in spirit. You are enough, in and of yourself.




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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2007, 06:46:22 AM »
Horrible story.  Unfortunately or fortunately there are many here that are in similar boats-some had it worse (but I cannot imagine much worse) and some had it better but we are here to listen and support.  Welcome!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2007, 08:49:37 AM »

Your N-Mom and my N-Mom could have been twins separated at birth!  She basically behaved the same way and spewed the same !@#$, even the "if abortion had been available then, you wouldn't be here" crap!  Neither of them were EVER mothers, just womb donors!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2007, 09:04:48 AM »
Dear Bigalspal
 My heart  goes out to you in such a deep and profound way. I so understand about support groups which tell you to 'get over it."Until I found the board,everyone told me to get over it. Be very careful with a therapist. If they have not healed in a deep way, they will tell you to get over it too(in a  more subtle way). Then ,you will get worse.
  I think that the only way that someone can help another person is if they have gone through the process, themselves(IMO). What blows me away is that I am a counselor. I could go practice, but I was smart enough to know that I had little to offer. I was unhealed at a deep level. MANY are unhealed at a deep level. They are trying to work out their problems on you.(IMO)  Others have been helped,This is just the way that I see it.
  Anyway, I always felt guilty that I did not "get over it.' How can you get over a huge gaping,oozing wound in your body? I was carrying this wound and trying to be normal and do normal things. Nothing ever made me feel better.I did all the 'normal" things-- friends,work, parties, travel,kids, etc etc.
One day I realized that nothing was ever touching the 'core" of me which was almost dead.
 I stopped doing many "normal" things.  I gave up.
  When I found the board,I found the answer to my life--- my mother is an NPD. She has a strange set of behaviors and symptoms. The awful part is that she is a good actress-like yours is.
 Sam Vaknins book---- Malignant Self Love--- got me out of denial with a punch to the stomach. There was my mother--- a living zombie. There she was------ a monster with her guts sucked out and evil put back in
   You are in the right place. Please keep writing and sharing. I will be waiting to hear from you as you pull yourself up from the black hole--- one step at a time      Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2007, 09:25:10 AM »
Good morning everyone!
Thanks so much for listening to me & for all the replies.
I did sleep like a baby last night! That's so cool!
I guess it's because it's the first time I found a place where people have listened to me without judging me.
The night before, I had a dream about my N mother. I woke up sobbing saying: "Mother. I'm 49!"
I can go out with my friends if I want to!" Weird, huh? I had mascara all over my arms where I must have been sobbing in my sleep. (yeah, I left my eye makeup on)
I have friends who I don't talk to about my past because I'm ashamed of it. They just think my mother is far away, out of state & I can't see her.
I have a friend who I was in NA with. WE have been friends for years. She once wrote my mother a letter & told her how good I was doing & how much the group loved me. She thought it would help, but my N mother never replied back or mentioned it to me.
And when I completed my 9th step (making amends) & sent it to her, my aunt (her sister) said she called her & had her come over & she tore it up in front of her!
It took awhile to get over that one!
I'm a smart woman. I know all this does is feed into her N behavior, but I can't seem to stop myself.
My aunt & her family & my oldest daughter & her husband (who I get along with very well) & me & my husband are all going on a criuse to the southern Caribbean next summer. I think that will help. I'll be surrounded with lots of love! Most of us live in other states, so it will be so nice to get together. There will be 22 of us! Everyone has been hurt by my N mother. During that will thng, she even kept savings bonds from all her neices & nephews. How did she do that? We don't know! My aunt was at the reading of the original will, & she knows that they all had some with their names on it, but my N mother must have destroyed them because she swears they NEVER EXISTED!
Anyway, everyone in the family, & I mean EVERYONE, calls her "Hitler"!
My youngest daughter has a condition called Heriditary Angio Edema. It is so rare the TV show "HOUSE" did an episode on it! She's sick alot. One time when she was about 14, she played at "grandma" & decided to bring her home to me as a "favor".
On the long drive home, she was sick to her stomach & my N mother got so mad at the inconvieance *spelling* & turned to her in the back seat & SLAPPED her!!! Oh, let me tell you, when they pulled up in my driveway & saw my hysterical daughter, I had to be restrained! I was gonna kill her! My mother-in-law (another N) saw her over at my house & invited her to come over & bash me & my daughter! My wonderful husband took care of that! We moved far away from HIS N mother right after that. My husband had a good childhood for the most part because he was his N mother's favorite. But, after dealing with me & my N mother, he reconized what was going on. Last night, bless his heart, he & I went over a list of N qualities from a link I found on this wonderful site, & he said he saw what his brothers & sisters went through. It really helped him as well. I sent the link to my aunt & she said she thought my N mother was not an N, that she was worse! She said she thought she was a Psycopath! So did my husband.
But, friends, I don't think so. You know why? That heartless woman knew exactly what she was doing!
Get this: not too long ago she called me & read me something someone had sent her husband in an email about loving America. Before she read it, she told me to "forgive" her if she gets emotional! She just loves her country soooo much! This is the same woman who hit her sick grandaughter!
These N mothers really are crazy! I just could not believe my ears. I just let her cry & read it too me. It would do no good to point out the obvious.
Anyway, thanks so much for letting me "vomit" up this pain. I don't dare tell most of my friends.
It would just look like self-pity. I guess it is. I just feel like if it doesn't come out soon, I'll explode. And this is a friendly place!
THanks you guys!
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2007, 10:09:42 AM »

I believe you have an incredible  handle on things.  YOu are seeing things very objectively, realizing that the so-called parental-type figure (not worthy to be called a mother in my book), was the one RESPONSIBLE in these situations of your life.

As I read about her throwing the baby across the room, I had to really feel sad inside.  YOu see, yesterday, my eldest daughter, told me that I threw one of my babies across the room and she caught her.  In my case it was due to post partum depression that was wayyyyyyy out of hand.  In your so-called parental-type's case, it was due to being EVIL!  Upon hearing that I did this (and not remembering it at all), I felt and still feel awful for it!

Your so-called parental-type has signs of psychopathology for sure!  I think she is beyond narcissism too!

I am really sad that you went through what you did.  You did not deserve any of it.  Please, use your story to reach out to others.  You can really help some people!



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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2007, 10:34:43 AM »
Wow. You have been through so much.

One reason nobody intervened on your behalf is that it just wasn't done in those days... people actually thought this stuff was 'strict discipline' and didn't realize the damage it does...

another reason is the Bad Mommy Taboo. Culturally we're all taught the Good Mommy Myth, that all mommies are wonderful people who love their children. When someone is a toxic mother, people have tremendous trouble dealing with that. Not just her own kids, but the kids' friends, etc. have trouble believing it. Makes it very hard on the kids... to say the least.

One thing that really stood out for me in your post was that you saw that you hadn't done as well for your girls as you would have liked, and once you realized this you didn't try to sweep it under the rug or hope that nobody would ever guess at it. Instead, you made sure they understood this and knew that you were sorry about it, and then you moved on together as a family.

That is so admirable... it's something no N parent will do, that taking of responsibility, that making yourself vulnerable and asking for forgiveness.

Welcome... i hope you will find what you need here.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2007, 10:37:51 AM »
Hi Laura,
I know what you mean about feeling guilty about things you did to your kids.
I was not a good mom either. I was NOTHING like my mom, but that doesn't mean my kids don't have their pain to deal with. I was so dead due to my drug abuse that I was not "there".
I am so grateful my drug of choice was pain pills. It could've been much worse!
What if I would've liked heroin?? I'm not putting myself above heroin addicts, I'm just stating the obvious. But, believe you me, those kid were not fooled!
I remember my youngest daughter came to me one time, waving a Tylenol bottle around, & saying "Mom, you're using again!" "Tylenol is not PINK!" They were generic Darvocette.
Poor babies! The cool thing about it is that they both told me that if they had a mom like mine, they would use drugs ,too! But that was no excuse!
They are both grown & married with kids of their own. They are MUCH better mom's than I was!
Here's what I do to help them & to acknowledge their pain. Anytime we are watching a show about a mom who is doing the same things I did to them, I say things like "Sweetie, I'm sooo sorry Mommy made you go through that!" I was so wrong!" "you did not deserve it!". Then that opens the door for them to discuss their pain with me. And I OWN it!
I must admit now that they are much older, they tell me that it's OK, & that they don't want me to be so hard on myself. I guess the are waaay more over it than I am. I always thank GOD for that. I'm not saying we don't ever fight. That would be a lie. But, it's not hurtful fighting.
Before you think, WOW! This lady is doing so much better. That would be a lie! I just don't burden them (or anyone else but my poor sweet husband) with this gaping wound inside of me.
My oldest daughter always knows Mother's DAY is hard on me. You know what she says? "Tell that ***** to burn in hell!!!" But, as we all know, that's not easy to do. I guess if your like me, you hope one day she'll see the error of her ways! Not likely, but we still hope!
Take care,
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2007, 10:48:06 AM »
Hi bigalspal,
It's great to have a safe place where there's a level of understanding. So glad you found it. Your N mother could not take responsibility for her own actions. She is a blamer and lacks empathy to the point of being profoundly abusive. She lacks remorse for hurting others, so perhaps she is a sociopath.
You are still hurting from all she's done to you, of course you are. I'm very glad for you that you have a loving husband and support system now, that will make such a big difference in your life and your outlook and your abiilty to connect with others.
Glad you're here and thanks for sharing your story.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2007, 05:37:11 PM »
Dear Bigsal pal.
   You are owning your behavior. I think that I would fall over dead if my mother would truly own her
  behavior. I am so glad that you found us. I am so glad that you are here.
    How did you manage to find such a good husband.? I married my mother(but not as bad)
                                                                                           keep Writing         Love   Ami.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Hi, I'm new here, but already feel at home!
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2007, 05:55:11 PM »
Hi Ami,
Thanks for the kind words. It really means alot!
I met my husband a little over 15 yrs ago while I was working at a radio station in Nashville. We were both single. He called me on the request line to ask for a Dell Shannon oldie.
He was, & still is a truck driver. I guess that's why he's so wonderful. He's gone all the time! LOL!
I recently quit my most recent radio job of almost 9 years & went to truck driving school. We teamed for about 7 months & I fell & hurt myself. I've been on Worker's Comp since last november.
Just waiting for them to approve my neck surgery.
I'm guessing that's why all this pain has finally risen up & overflowed. I have so much time on my hands to think! I can't wait to get back in the truck & be with my husband again.
I'm a small person, so if I can do it, ANYBODY can!
Anyway, my husband wasn't always so nice to me. When I first met him he hadn't been divorced very long. About 2 yrs. His wife had cheated on him. You can imagine how angry he was !
But...he came to his senses & realized I didn't do it. SHE did. We went to Christian counselling & got better. These last few years have been so nice! He is there for me 1000%.
We blended a family, too. My grandbabies don't know he's not their bio grandpa, & he's so good to them. And when he's home, he cooks & cleans! There is NOTHING sexier than that!
So, I traded an N mother for a great husband. I just wish I could get the B*@*@H out of my head!
I know with the support of this group, I can! What about you, Ami? Do you have a good man?
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.