Author Topic: Alice Miller  (Read 1674 times)


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Alice Miller
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:46:12 AM »
I've been reading Alice Miller's web site and find it very helpful.

Although I've read many of her books, this article really touched me.

We can identify the causes of our sufferings
Wednesday March 01, 2006
On overcoming the consequences of maltreatment

Almost all of us have corporal punishment inflicted on us in our formative years. But the fear and anger such punishment brings with it remain unconscious for a very long time. Children have no choice but suppress their fear and anger, as otherwise they could not sustain their love for their parents, and that love is crucially necessary for their survival. But these emotions, though suppressed, remain stored away in our bodies, and in adulthood they can cause symptoms of varying severity. We may suffer from bouts of depression, attacks of panic fear, or violent reactions towards our children without identifying the true causes of our despair, our fear, or our rage. If we were aware of those causes, it would prevent us from falling ill, because then we would realize that our fathers and mothers no longer have any power over us and can no longer beat us.

In most cases, however, we know nothing about the causes of our sufferings because the memories of those childhood beatings have long been consigned to total oblivion. Initially, this amnesia is beneficial, acting as a protection for the child’s brain. In the long term, however, it is fateful because it then becomes chronic and has a profoundly confusing impact. Though it protects us from unpleasant memories, it cannot preserve us from severe symptoms like the unexplained fear constantly warning us of dangers that no longer exist.

In childhood these fears were entirely realistic. One example that springs to mind is the case of a six-month-old girl whose mother regularly slapped her in order to “teach her obedience.” Of course the girl survived those slaps, and all the other physical punishments inflicted on her in youth. But at the age of 46 she suddenly developed heart problems.

For years on end we trust to medication to alleviate our sufferings. But there is one question no one (neither patients nor their doctors) ever asks: Where is this danger that my body incessantly warns me of? The danger is hidden away in childhood. But all the doors that could afford us the right perspective on the problem appear to be hermetically closed. No one attempts to open them. On the contrary! We do everything we can to avoid facing up to our personal history and the intolerable apprehension that dogged us for so long in childhood. Such a perspective would reestablish contact with the most vulnerable and powerless years of our lives, and that is the last thing we want to think about. We have no desire to go through that feeling of desperate impotence all over again. On no account do we want to be reminded of the atmosphere that surrounded us when we were small and were helplessly exposed to the whims and excesses of power-hungry adults.

But this period is one that has an incomparably powerful impact on the rest of our lives, and it is precisely by confronting it that we can find the key to understanding our attacks of (apparently) groundless panic, our high blood pressure, our stomach ulcers, our sleepless nights, and - tragically - the seemingly inexplicable rage triggered in us by a small baby crying. The logic behind this enigma resolves itself once we set out to achieve awareness about the early stages of our lives. After all, our lives do not begin at the age of 15.

Seeking that awareness is the first step toward understanding our sufferings. And when we have taken that step, the symptoms that have plagued us for so long will gradually begin to recede. Our body no longer has any need of them, because now we have assumed conscious responsibility for the suffering children we once were.

Truly attempting to understand the child within means acknowledging and recognizing its sufferings, rather than denying them. Then we can provide supportive company for that mistreated infant, an infant left entirely alone with its fears, deprived of the consolation and support that a helping witness could have provided. By offering guidance to the child we once were, we can create a new atmosphere he can respond to, helping him to see that it is not the whole world that is full of dangers, but above all the world of his family that he was doomed to fear in every moment of his existence. We never knew what bad mood might prompt our mother to expose us to the full force of her aggression. We never knew what we could do to defend ourselves. No one came to our aid; no one saw that we were in danger. And in the end we learned not to perceive that danger ourselves.

Many people manage to protect themselves from the memories of a nightmare childhood by taking medication of some kind, frequently of an anti-depressive nature. But such medication only robs us of our true emotions, and then we are unable to find expression for the logical response to the cruelties we were exposed to as children. And this inability is precisely what triggered the illness in the first place.

The article continues at


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 01:21:33 AM »
Here's the begining of another article:

The Longest Journey
Friday May 20, 2005
The Longest Journey - or What Can We Expect from Psychotherapy?

The longest journey of my life was the journey to my own self. I do not know whether I am an exception in this matter, or whether there are other people who have experienced the same thing. It is certainly not a universal experience: fortunately, there are people who from the moment of their birth were lucky enough to be accepted by their parents for what they were, with all their feelings and needs. Right from the outset these people had unrestricted access to those feelings and needs. They did not have to deny them, nor did they have to embark on long journeys to find something withheld from them when they needed it most.

My experience was different.

It has taken me all my life to allow myself to be what I am and to listen to what my inner self is telling me, more and more directly, without waiting for permission from others or currying approval from people symbolizing my parents.


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 06:22:09 AM »
 Of course the girl survived those slaps, and all the other physical punishments inflicted on her in youth. But at the age of 46 she suddenly developed heart problems.


I havent read a lot of Alice Miller.  Are you picking up that she is saying that the slaps were the reason for the later heart problems? 

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 05:26:58 PM »
Dear Sally,                                                                                                                                                     Thank you so very much for this thread. It means so much to me. I can tell you for a fact that I was carrying around pain and betrayal in my stomach. I had all sorts of problems like ulcers, acid reflux, no appetite, etc.I used natural therapies to bring me to a point of just having bad digestion and not being able to eat. However, I got to a point where no natural therapy would help.beyond this
 After I faced the deep betrayal from my parents, I healed, My body shifted. Today, I ate 3 meals, which I could never do,before.Also, I was hungry , which  I never used to be.
   I believe that emotional pain can cause every disease. I did not before. I never realized the power of blocked pain to make you sick. It is an "energy" and it can do actual physical damage if it is not released (IMO) I have so much more "respect" for the power of emotions
After I got rid of my stomach problems, I started getting "wobbly' or dizzy( panic)
  What it is----- is a huge layer of fear..Last night, I could not sleep. I kept thinking that something was wrong with my body. Today, I figured that that body part was O.K.,but now I am worried about another body part..I am just "suffused with fear. It is covering me like a thick thick fog. I am sitting in the middle of it "curled up in a ball."
   I am facing ,right now, another layer of how bad my mother was. I see her "disgusting" smirking face. I think of her betrayals. I tried so hard to make her proud of me. When I was being abused, she sided with my H and blamed me for being too weak. I had a 2 yr.old. I WAS "weak" and vulnerable.
  I also see that she was a "child". Maybe, she could not have helped it. Her "thinking was "off'. her perceptions were "off". She tried to get "help" ,but therapy just got her more in to the' head"She has been in therapy for as long as I can remember( my entire life). I see her "sick' face and I see that maybe she could not help it.Who would want to be like that if they had another choice?
   I have held so much hatred and anger in my body towards her.All this time ,. I waited for her to be a good mother. I think  I was wanting a "midget" to be tall. I think that I was wanting an amputee to run a marathon.
  All I can say is that I am so afraid . I want a mother so badly to just take care of me. want a soft place to fall. I want to be comforted and hugged. I want to know that someone has my back. This is what a  mother does, I guess.
  I am just hurting so badly. I am so glad that all of you are there. You are really "real" to me. You understand the pain of an N  mother.
                                                                                           Love  Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 05:41:13 PM »
Hi CB & Ami,

In all honesty, I'm not feeling so well today (haven't felt too good for the last 2 weeks).  I feel like I have flu, achey, head ache and my eyes hurt.  So, I'm not up to answering you guys right now.  Hope you understand.

I also think I feel physically bad because I  came to recognize a lot of truth in myself by reading the Alice Miller web site.  I find this "journey to own myself" is physically and emotionally draining.  I feel very fragile.

When, I feel better, I'll pick up this thread.

Love toyou,


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Re: Alice Miller
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 06:06:41 PM »
Dear Sally,
    I am here for you in whatever way that i can . Emotions can give us all these physical symptoms.
                                                                                                                          Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung