Dear Redginger,
I am speechless, I am sad, I grieve with you.
I don't want to make this about me, but I would feel that I neglected you if I didn't say the following. I lost two sons to sudden death in a small private plane off the coast of FL. I neglected myself trying to be strong for everyone else, the six fatherless children, the grieving widows, my beautiful daughter and her father. None of us had ever gone through anything like this, so we didn't know how to counsel each other. The loving community around us, wanted to give us our space and time to heal. I now have PTSD (It was seventeen years ago). Please get with people you trust who will allow you to say and be and do what you must as you grieve. I believe that If I'd known to get help with the terrible grief, I could have avoided the PTSD and chronic insomnia with sleep intertia. Please don't allow time to pass and pass and pass. Many of the long term affects of tragedy can be headed off, but it needs to start very early. Gianni would want you to take care of you. I believe that with all my heart. Sorry for the lecture at a time when your heart is broken into bits. I'm with you in spirit, my dear.