Today has been really really good!!! Some people are really really really kind. I just got off the phone. Dad’s doing better. The doc has given him another med. It’s in addition to the lactulose. It’s called xiphaxan and instead of going through the blood stream it goes directly into the intestines and kills bacteria. He’s not spending as much time in the bathroom now and he’s not as sick to his stomach as he has been. He said he still gets really tired in the afternoons, but this pill is working very well for him. This pill is letting him take the lactulose without the severe side effects. very very very very Good News.
More good news. My Dad pastored a church here for several years. Some of the members of the church are going to visit him. I can’t believe how kind these people are. He’s 600 miles away from them and they are making the trip. He was expecting one couple from the church TODAY, and two other members are making plans to visit him in a few weeks.
Even more good news!!! Mammaw’s doc has ordered her therapy to be escalated. Her wound is healing up much more. Mom and Dad were visiting her yesterday, and she said she was tired of her gowns, to please help her put an outfit on. Then she wanted her nails done, then she wanted her lipstick, told them she was sick of that place and to take her out for a ride. Wanted to stop for ice cream, wanted to know when my next visit was, and she’s using her feet to push herself around rehab several times a day.
And I’ve started doing some research for my trip. Studying enmeshment, the need to fix, and learning to take care. My T always tells me to take care. Next trip will be different. More learning and practice will equal progress. I want to be healthy.