OK - 'Not trusting' sounds like you've got a problem, right? So the idea is 'to trust'. And then to ignore all those little anxieties that keep cropping up.
And then we get confused - after all, isn't that my intuition telling me that there are some 'issues' here to resolve???
So you're rally smart and brave...You ask the other person :'Am I right about this?' And the person tells you that you don't know what you're talking about.
So you go back to stage one. Trust.
Now, I've met people who really don't trust anyone. It's like walking on eggshells ALL the time. They really think you're out to get them. Get one thing wrong and they never trust you again. And they go off and sulk and won't/can't talk to you for days.
So, if you don't 'trust', you'll be 'just like them' and you know full well that this 'walking on eggshells' type of behaviour isn't right, isn't healthy and demonstrates someone who has a problem with 'trust'.
So you 'do the healthy thing' and you 'trust'.
But supposing you have good reason 'not to trust'.
So...I don't know - I'm on a loop here and I don't know where to get off. I can see that some of my issues with my mother are at play. After all, as a small child, you're supposed to trust your mother, right? If you think there's something not to trust

- wow, I'm in the loop already and I'm not finding the way out here.
Some people I do trust. Absolutely, implicitly - whether I've just met them or known them a long time. Some people, I can take either way. Perhaps I just don't need to 'trust' them, they don't need me to 'trust' them. I trust them as far as it goes. Trust just isn't an issue.
Mostly I trust people from the outset but after a while there's a problem and I'll feel some kind of 'taken advantage of'.
My husband says I always have a problem with other people 'sooner or later'. So that makes me feel anxious about trusting my senses. But he 'deals' with people whereas I 'relate' to them.
In general, I think I have a pattern of being very open and then becoming more reserved. Partly it's because (I think) I don't know how give a friendship 'maintenance'. Initial meeting is great - warm, welcoming, open. But what comes next? I just don't know what's too much and what's too little! Perhaps this is something to do with boundaries. I'm only OK with friendships where someone else is very active in maintaining contact or where I meet up with people at a central point (like this board!!!) - or where I pay people for services. Outside that, I have no idea how to meet up with people I've met and liked.
Here are two examples.
A cleaning lady who spends most of her time chatting with me over a cup of coffee. Extremely miffed when I start being 'busy' and leaping off to do work (partly because I can't afford the time I keep spending chatting and so she'll get on and do some of the cleaning). Am I the only person in the country who has a cleaner who takes a full sit-down coffee break in a two hour session - and will leave half an hour early saying 'won't stop for coffee today, got other things to do'!!!???

(I work at home)
My healer wants me to help her develop a website, doesn't mention payment and starts off my healing session talking about her website. And then looks completely wiped out when I say I'd rather keep it separate.
Am I hurting them when/if I say I want to set up different boundaries after we've spent some time gradually getting more and more cosy. So will they want to hit out and hurt me if I do??? (Mother issues again!)
I'm frightened of their 'power' over me if I make it 'really' clear.
I 'need' this cleaning lady - both her friendship and her skills! I live in a small village and I don't want to have half the village turned against me before they've even met me! She tells me all sorts of useful things. I wouldn't mind paying her to be my village guide and paying someone else to clean!! Heck, sometimes she's been as good as a therapist! She knows all sorts of things about me and my mother and I don't feel threatened by that at all.
And my healer. I intuited two things from her the moment I met her - one was her need for a friend (am I projecting?!) and her 'idea' that I needed 'her' solution to the challenges of being 'super sensitive'. Re number 1 - that would be nice to test out once my healing is over; number 2 - actually, no. Not in 'this' lifetime. But if I share my intuition about anything, the gates come crashing down so I'm not about to raise this. It might be professional nervousness/pride - or it might be complete denial. But all the boundaries are getting severely confused.
From the beginning, she kept telling me I can phone her at any time if my mother is a problem but that bothers me (dependency issues). And she seems to want to do a lot of 'talking' even tho she's not trained as any kind of counsellor. Sometimes it's really difficult to get her to do the aromotherapy/energy healing I go for!! At one stage I hauled her back to 'my' reality and it knocked her for six. I'm pretty sure she'll be an INFP/J - really hyper-sensitive so I need to take care. But I'm beginning to be really concerned and wanting to put up some barriers/boundaries.
How can I do that without creating some anger/hate which might reverberate in the healing sessions??? I already picked up a little 'swipe' at the end of the last session. It's normal and natural to do that to readjust the 'ego' when it's wobbled a little. But I think she's already made one specific change in my energy patterns which suit 'her' reality rather than mine (not for any malevolent reason but I actually think she's coming from an 'I' perspective and not understanding how different an 'E's needs are!!!) so trust is a real big issue now. And yes, I have tried to talk about to her about it but I'm not sure really where I got to. Like therapy, it's a specialist subject, so how can we know when intuition is right???
I just have to share this - this whole subject area has caused me so much shame in the past - and I didn't even get a twinge!!!!!!!