Hi Lighter,
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. We have a storm in the area & my service is going in and out.
Well, I'll try & answer your questions as best I can.
1. I was attracted to my husband because he was so able & willing to communicate with me as far as feelings go. He wanted to PROTECT me! Not in the way that a daddy would (well maybe a little)
But I knew no one would EVER hurt me again. He believes I'm the smartest person he knows.
Remember that article that was posted on here about the "Impostor Syndrome"?
He has been telling me for YEARS that I suffer from it. Anytime I would be scared to attempt something new & difficult, he would say that it didn't add up. That I should look back on all of my accomplishments & realize I could do anything I put my mind to. He appreciates me warts & all. No strings attached. He has an amazing sense of humor. The list goes on.( It doesn't hurt that he has beautiful blue eyes & good in bed)

And he's such a hard worker.
2. What hasn't worked out? Nothing so far. Although I must say he was very jealous there for awhile. His first wife cheated on him & it's a small town & he was the LAST to know. But, he has long since gotten a handle on that.
3. How did I end up choosing a nice guy? Man, I wish I knew! I think God was responsible for that. He knew I couldn't take anymore pain.
4. How did I feel about being left with that guy at that age? At the time I thought it was saving grace. KWIM? Finally some positive attention! Now, I'm FURIOUS! That was so inappropriate! She had to have known that I was having sex at that age. Plus, I was supposed to be her precious child. SHE was supposed to raise & protect me! So, I feel that was so wrong.
Oh, BTW, I took up smoking & experimenting with drugs, too. She didn't care that I smoked. Only thing she said was not to do it in the house & that SHE wasn't going to buy them!
Thanks for asking these questions Lighter. It helps to think them through.
Free therapy!
