Hi Lighter,
Sib visit?
I wonder what would happen if you didn't do anything to get ready except decide to be happy.
I'm considering a planned midnight moon dance under the stars, lol. I find myself singing a children's song.. .Moon Moon Moon Moon, shining shining..... it's me trying to be happy.
I can't DO anything to prepare for the visit past sleeping through the maid this morning.
It's bad. Real bad.
My other sib has problems in the family that affect me in 4 directions. Very disturbing and puts lots of pressure on me in ways I don't do well with. I'm cryptic for a reason here. Sorry if I'm not making much sense but must be this way.
This visit will last 4 weeks! I can't sidestep all the issues that long, lol! Darnit!
It's just got me down and I can't see my way clear and I have so many problems of my own without having to deal with stupid made up crap other people manufacture for reasons of their own.
Ahhhh... you can see how I'm going to handle this and going beserko never makes me feel better. I always mourn that I've done that but I don't have any illusions about being able to rise above and take the high road.
N's and borderline personality disordered people keep whacking away at you till you're like an exposed nerve, from head to toe and you react without thinking..... eventually..... to their insane craziness. Because it's unfair and irrational and in your face and you resent it and that makes you angry and you hold it back until BOOM!
And then the words are in the air and there's no taking them back.
I honestly do think these people are emotionally disturbed.
My N.
My BPD sib.
Losing my patience with them doesn't help them be better parents and OH CRAP! What is my obligation to save their children from them?
What is my duty and what are my rights and their rights and it's just so guilt inducing and impossible to figure out from where I sit right now.
You won't believe this but..... the sib that's coming has designated a professional CLOWN person in her will to take her child if she and my BIL pass away together. This CLOWN person has barely been able to support herself, is so dysfunctional she's never really dated and has a very dysfunctional background complete with Menonite upbringing with sexual abuse and virtually NC with her FOO.
She doesn't get along with anyone but my sib and niece. WHY WOULD SHE BE DESIGNATED guardian? My BIL doesn't even like her!
It was bad enough when she was chosen as Godmother and I was asked to stay at home for the ceremony and set up for the party! Did I complain? Nope, I went and borrowed coolers from the neighbors to set up a terrific ice cream bar and I said it was ok to choose the clown to be GOD MOTHER bc she had NOTHING else in her life to live for. Whatever makes my sib feel that this person would be a wise choice to parent?
I'm the only person sib and BIL agree on to parent their child if they died together. Yet, they'll end up writing separate wills designating different people (the other one HATES) and the courts will decide. INSANITY!
And my niece will be raised in another country by a clown, doubtful, or by a family with 3 children my sister absolutely hates. OMG RANT ALERT! ::sigh::
Can I switch here and feel better? Live in the moment?
I think not with the pressure of this visit.
Sib's been torturing her husband over this guardian decision and he talks to me about it. She's is outaherfu**in mind!
And then she hasn't heard about the fun I'm having with my other sib.
When she does..... she'll want to jump in and start demanding that everyone do THIS and THAT bc she KNOWS BEST and we should JUST DO IT or we're selfish and have NO EMPATHY for anyone and she's the ONLY ONE WITH ANY EMPATHY and we're too stupid to understand so she can't be bothered to try and explain whatever it is she thinks she knows. Egads!
::sigh:: What advice would I give to someone in this situation..... ::trying to rise above::
I can't let her affect me so badly. I need to take a shower and feel better, not let her words in. I need to enjoy my new house with her and bond with my niece. I need to squirt more saline and grapefruit extract in my nose and see what else is in the cabinet. I need to go to the grocery store and enjoy shopping for nummies with care.
I think I'll enjoy a good sob in the shower, feel really really sorry for myself then get busy. Sound like plan? Sounds like a plan; )