Author Topic: What the Heck is wrong with me?  (Read 5071 times)


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2007, 10:04:56 PM »
Your daughter still hasn't forgiven you for not knowing her pain?  I can hear your broken heart. 
Do you cry ever now?  I cry all the time.  It is quite embarrassing.  My husband and I joke about me not being able to go 24 hours.  I just got back from a cruise to Alaska.  I didn't cry the whole trip.  Eight days.  It's my new world record.  :P



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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2007, 11:46:57 PM »
MO4.... It's curiouse but the one friend I have close to my age(that really gets me without putting me down at all) is prone to self depracation, just as I am. 

We're both from dysfunctional families, her's perhaps worse than mine.  I think we're both a little surprised at how competent the other one is, considering we each tend to down play our strengths..... probably from habit.

I know I do it with current other friends who aren't so supportive.  I watch myself do it.  I cringe as i do it.  I feel weak but I haven't replaced them and sometimes I reach out to them when i should be reaching to someone who builds me up.  I have those people in my life.  They don't mind my reaching out.  I should do it more often.  I think I will.

Edit edit edit.  Replace replace replace.  I need to follow my own advice. 


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2007, 12:09:01 AM »
No, my daughter and I recently had a barrage of emails talking about the past, and that depression of hers, she said, was one thing for which she had not yet forgiven me---for not noticing and getting help for her, as I think she has had a low-grade depression ever since

Imagine taking 30 years to tell me. I was shocked! and No! I never cry. I don't know if there is anything that would bring on the tears.

now lighter,

isn't it said that self-depracating humour is a good thing?
I might be putting my wheelchiar into the car and someone will say, in a complimentary way, that it looks like I've done that before. (takes practice) so I say, "I don't really need it. I just use it to get the good parking spaces."

I used to ask if someone knew my grandson's favourite vegetable was.....


It is self-depracating humour that is good!
That always broke the tension between me and 'walkies'--that I could laugh at  myself and all was well!



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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2007, 12:34:58 AM »
God I love humor, lol. 

Your use of it with the walkies is very amusing and refreshing for sure. 

I laughed out loud over the "I don't really need it, I just use it to get the good parking spaces" comment, lol. 

Very funny, Izzy!

I get funnier when I'm around people I feel accepted and appreciated by.  I get all choked up with discomfort and doubt around new people and people I think dissaprove of me or think badly of me or don't know what to expect from me. I've been verbally popped in the nose enough that I'm just plain gun shy around most women. 

People tend to judge on appearances and it's never a good thing, IMO.

One mother from my church, who's child went to school with my child as well..... was always knocking me off my horse whatever I said to her.  I finally started meeting her cynisism with my own brand and she relaxed a bit.  Talk about bitter.... but she later revealed WHY she was always so bitter and unhappy, lol.  I identified and we can sit around and be very funny together NOW.  It wasn't always that way. 

She'd say things like....."You look like the type to bake cookies.."  if I was talking about what I had planned for later or whatever......or something that was meant to knock me down a peg.  I didn't let it get to me.... I took it as a challenge to win her over,  lol.  Don't even know why but we get along and we're sorta the black sheep at the kid's school together now.  I'll be the blackest now that I'm getting a divorce.  Right wing group....  it won't be pretty.  I can sense even she's distancing herself from me, lol... in anticipation of staying where she is and not losing any ground within the school's group.

::sigh::  Life's a lot easier on the extraverts, that's for sure.


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2007, 12:50:33 AM »
Hey lighter

glad you liked and you are right about:
"I get funnier when I'm around people I feel accepted and appreciated by."

I feel the same way, but there are some people without an ounce of humour in them.  I learned  when I was about 16, that the guys appreciated humour. For me, it comes naturally in the right circumstances, but then there are some people who just deflate you.

I have Harrington Rods in my back from the accident and I would say that "now I'd be setting off alarms in the airports" and some dough-head would pipe up that i never fly so don't worry!
As soon as I start telling people that my nuits and bolts are loosened from the Rods they just howl--probably because they think i'm nuts anyway.

Yes. people judge on appearance, so with my being in a wheelchair, I can scare some people off--that's why I think up things to say that will set them at ease.

I'm an introvert, really, and you're right about the extroverts.

are you baking cookies tonight?
Lovre Izzy


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2007, 12:56:07 AM »
I'm not baking tonight, lol.... .I'm eating my way through last nights baked brownie muffins and todays hummingbird cake a realtor gave me from her bust caravan no one showed up for and the chocolate milkshake from Steak and shake and another brownie muffin...mmmmm so good! 

I'm self medicating with food today.  I just can't help it.  I'll get busy with legal stuff about 3am when I wake up and don't have enough time to get it all done.... I'll be brilliant and pull it off, as is my custom. 

Must be why I need all these calories, eh, lol?


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2007, 01:01:25 AM »
I would blow up if I put all that in my tummy!

I just had dinner, 2 pork chops cooked with onions tomatoes, cucumber and garlic.  I had my salad last night and my potatoes the night before. Takes me 3 nights to have a meal LOL

But Pizza! Well don't get me started--there's never any left over for the next day!


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2007, 05:01:47 AM »
I would blow up if I put all that in my tummy!

I just had dinner, 2 pork chops cooked with onions tomatoes, cucumber and garlic.  I had my salad last night and my potatoes the night before. Takes me 3 nights to have a meal LOL

But Pizza! Well don't get me started--there's never any left over for the next day!

Oh no Izzy, lol.  You're doing it all wrong.  I take a bite with EVERYTHING at once,  lol.  You're one of those people who eats only one thing on their plate at a time? 

Bean.... I wanted to add that our friends feed us, along with accept us for who we are.  Nice post. 


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2007, 08:32:01 AM »

You are getting me!  Thank you.  I kind of just burst into tears when I read your post.  Is is so very rare when anyone expresses true understanding.  thank you for caring that way.  I am kinda tender right now I guess.....  I do need the friends you describe.  I need a family.  I am so very alone.  I don't say that to be dramatic.  It is risky to admit.  But out of honesty I admit it.  Isn't it okay to be needy in this way??

I think that I try hard to accept myself where I am at.  I sometimes find it difficult to orient myself.  Never been through recovery before.  Don't know anyone who is going thru what I am.  Don't know all the time what is normal or healthy place vs. an self defeating place.   Vacilate between feeling good about my progress and then like I am the crazy one.  Well, I don't want to be crazy.  I don't want to be weird.  I want to be me.  All of me, pain and all and in whatever place I am in and not feel like there is a scarlet A on my forehead warning people to stay away. 

Certain Hope

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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2007, 09:22:24 AM »
Hi, Motherof4,

Just before reading this, I was thinking of the struggle to even recognize "normal"...  and how disorienting "ordinary" life experiences can be when you're not sure whether you've ever even experienced normalcy.
I'm a wife and mom of 4 also, and much of the time I can get so busy just taking care of others' needs that there's no room for such reflection... so when there's a quiet time, particularly in the aftermath of an "aha! moment", all of this can hit like a ton of bricks. I've processed alot of the stuff that came along with association with N'ism, and yet those aha! moments just keep rolling in, faithful as the tide. Each one seemed to shatter any illusion of normalcy, until I realized that it's okay for "normal" to be continually redefined  :) 

Once I became aware of the depth of abnormality of my previous existence (hah) I discovered a new greatest fear - becoming stuck in a self-defeating place. But you know... it takes a strong will and character, I think... along with a hearty measure of humility and the grace of God...  to even be able to recognize the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this stuff. The work to be done seems monumental, but then I believe that God only reveals so much of it to us, at one time, that He knows we can handle by His grace. That assurance is what keeps me going.

What some folks may view as a "scarlet A" is seen as a jewel of great price in the eyes of those who've chosen to travel the  path of authenticity. As you receive strength from those who do understand, you'll be better able to deal with those who don't... and remain unscathed.
Instead of "weird", maybe try out "peculiar"  :) and consider that just maybe it's a blessing when some choose to "stay away"? 

I've enjoyed reading your posts and there's no doubt in my mind that you'll learn alot and continue to grow in healing! Best wishes,


P.S. to Beanie... I learned alot through your post, as well... thank you!


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2007, 11:36:45 AM »
i have been asking myself the same ?? for years. "what is wrong with me?" i can relate with the friends, especially. i was married once to a wonderful man, and father to my children. we did connect. he was very easy to get along with, but with everyone else, even my family, i seem like the outcast.

i came into contact with my Nb/f(x) four years ago, and we never really connected. after learning so much about Narcissism, i now know they are emotional aloof.

i don't have any really close friends, and this "alone" life really does get lonely. I also, would like to hear what is wrong with me?? it is good to know that someone else feels the way i do.



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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2007, 11:54:11 AM »
[Take the "wrong" out of the title and just ask.  Where am I?  What am I?  Try to get in touch with that core person.e]

Dear Bean,
   Thanks for this. I really needed this ,today                      Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2007, 12:07:18 PM »


Handshake of board fellowship to you.

There is so much wisdom in what the others have said.  Some of it I am only able to identify with after the fact.  One thing that strikes me about our circumstances (participants here) are the similarities of what we see after the ahhh moment hits us full force and the scales fall from our eyes.  One particular emotion that seems to be common and growing exponitially just prior to the ahhh moment to the point of explosion is that burning question, What about me?  And a fear of what would happen if I let the explosion of anger out.   I think what I'm hearing louder than anything is your cry, What about me?  When do I ever get to go to the emotional spa?  When will I enjoy calm conversations, peaceful moments, restful peace?  When will you ever look at me and see that I have needs too?  I remember that period very well.  I remember feeling that I must be a selfish bitch.  I remember thinking I should be punished for even thinking such a thing.  Now I know that was an important part of the pre recovery stage.  Those feelings and others are going to flow no matter what.

Not everyone heals the same, but there are certain markers along the way and they follow an order.  As you heal, you'll feel it as you move from one plain to another.  Your field of vision about it all will expand at each level.  If you allow it to flow and not force it (as PP alluded to) it will be easier.  I mean that with all my heart.  You are in a process.  One of my mantra's here is to say to those just starting in recovery, Time is on your side.  It would seem cockeyed to say, Sit back and enjoy,  It's not an enjoyable ride.  But it can be made easier by allowing the process to take its course.  Another mantra of mine here is that once the healing has begun, you will either do the twelve step program or the twelve step program will do you.  By that I mean that the twelve step program is an organizational tool about recovery that helps a person identify and understand the different levels, plains, stages or recovery.  It isn't the twelve steps that bring or cause recovery, it is the twelve steps that help us understand the inherent way recovery happens.   A person can know the twelve steps from start to finish, but not be in recovery.  When I went into recovery, I didn't know what had happened to me, didn't know about twelve step programs, didn't know anyone (I'd just moved to the area), didn't have a church, couldn't afford a therapist, dysfunctional wasn't in my vocabulary, recovery was something like bringing bombs from the ocean floor, well, let's just say I was ignorant about emotions, dysfunction, recovery, emotional healing, anxiety, the  fallout from tragedy, all that.  As a result, I crashed and burned, went into a tailspin, didn't know what was happening to me, thought I might literally die a physical death from the emotional pain, had no sympathizers to hold me up,  The process overtook me and did its work.  I did it alone for the most part.  It was very hard.  I found this board.  It helped.   Later I got into a ladies twelve step program.  I learned that I was healing from codependence and enmeshment with an narcissistic mom into whose sick mini kingdom the rest of the family, my dad, sister and brother had been forced or manipulated or triangulated into from the start.   It was in the ladies group that I learned that I had gone through each of the twelve steps, not knowing their names or anything about twelve steps.  The process had done its work without me knowing that there was an organizational tool that put names to the different stages.  Even so, it helped me to continue in the ladies group so I could internalize the steps and have a working knowledge of how the process unfolds.  I guess what I'm saying is that if you attend a twelve step program or not, just keep in mind that the process you are in has that inherent organization to it.  There are books written on the subject that you can read at home.  You don't have to attend a group to understand or experience the twelve steps.  I'm living proof that the process can take place with or without significant outside help.  But I'm also here to tell you that having outside help, i.e., a therapist, a group, this board, someone(s) to bare your soul to who understands confidentiality, helps tremendously.  Knowing what I know now, I'd never attempt doing it alone again.  But I didnt' know then what I know now.   As I said on another thread.  For those who were raised in a healthy home, becoming a fully functioning healthy adult was learned gradually and effortless like growing hair.  For those who weren't it is doubly hard because we have to undo what went before and learn a new way.  It is not easy.  It can be done.  Life is so much more meaningful when it is generated from a healthy self.  I'm cheering for you.   You are in a process.  It takes time.  It won't be easy.  You can do it.  There are helps out there.  Don't cast your pearls before swine, that is to say, find safe harbor in a group that understands recovery and holds confidences sacred, read this board, study Dr. G's essays, read from the recommended reading list (the other board at this site,  get checked out by your physician, don't be ashamed of where you are.  Pill therapy may be an option, especially at the beginning to help you get a running start.  Be sure you are monitored carefully by your physician if you do pill therapy.  I for instance couldn't take anti depressants because they made my symptoms worse.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.   

I'm cheering for you dear one.



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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2007, 01:22:02 PM »
I would agree wholeheartedly with what tt has written.  The healing process is just that--a process, with many steps, not the same for everyone, but individual steps which must be dealt with, embraced and understood individually before moving to the next level.

I have said here many times, that I could not have gotten through those steps and reached the other side to a point of healing, without the help and guidance of my wonderful therapist.  The financial burden was worth every penny, and I would recommend therapy to anyone dealing with life's issues.  I also joined a divorce support group through my church, and spent many hours on this board, which also helped greatly.

My T made it clear from the beginning that I would be required to heal from the inside out in order for his work to be successful.  Going deep inside is a very scary proposition and it took nearly a year of my 2 years in therapy to go there, but it is the key to ultimate healing, IMO.  It was never a pleasant experience to discover the hurt that was done by my n father and enabling mother (now both deceased), or the injuries caused by my 2 xn husbands, but I needed to understand it all, to hopefully never make the same mistake again in choosing a life partner or developing friendships.

I can say with great joy and pride that I believe I now have in my life a wonderful life partner and 3 of the best friends a girl could ask for.  All of these people came into my life either during or essentially after the healing was complete.  I say complete, but that's just from the trauma.  Healing will forever be an ongoing process.  I continue to fine tune those relationships, including the relationship I have with my 22 year old son and 19 year old daughter, the choices I make whether to allow something to defeat me or make me stronger, and deciding where my life will go from here.  I believe that for the most part, I have been a great mom and my children recognize that, but mostly they are proud of how I handled the dissolution of the marriage to their father (not my idea, but I'm ultimately thrilled that it happened), and have not allowed the difficult times to destroy me.  It is an example I was so pleased to provide for them.

There is nothing "wrong" with you.  You are carrying hurt that needs to be healed in order for the fog to clear.  I hope you can find a way to that healing and I can promise that if you want to have caring, loving friendships or relationships, they are out there waiting for you.  The choice can ultimately be yours.




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Re: What the Heck is wrong with me?
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2007, 01:42:00 PM »
Thanks for helping me see that what seems so impossible really isn't.  I feel you telling me that the power is within me.  Thank you for adding to my vision for what my path to healing must be.  I love the patience with which you all approach this process.  It is refreshing and releases the pressure.  Thank you.  I will work on taking that word "wrong"  out of my question and eventually out of my beliefs .  I already feel differently.

Thank you all.  It is amazing to me what strength I already feel from only sharing a few days with you. Kinda feel like I should know it by heart by now.  I really struggle actually doing it.  Wanting the rubber to hit the road.  Actually feel real progress, moving from the stuck place.  Cheers to all of you who have made it through.  Thank you for the hope.  Kinda felt like I have been lying on the battleground holding on to dear life to my hope flag which is covered in bullet holes.