I found this on
http://www.datingdoctor.com/old/columns9.html which I thought might be useful for anyone else starting over ( like me )
definitely attract players! and they seem to have many narcissistic traits too- including getting hostile when I won't play...
I LOVE the last line!
Recognizing a PlayerDear Dating Doctor:
I’m an intelligent, insightful woman but there is one thing that recurs as an issue in my life. I can't tell when someone is just flirting and leading me on or when they are seriously interested in me. I am always shocked to find out that the guy who calls me 2-3 times a week (and stays on the phone for an hour), holds my hand in public, and buys me drinks, is just flirting. How can I tell the difference? Am I attracted to insincere men? - Confused by men
Dear Confused: You have not been experiencing insincere men, you have been attracting “Players.” Players are men that have no intention whatsoever of entering into an intimate, exclusive one-on-one relationship, as they have the ability to string several women along simultaneously (as part of a distorted “mind game”) whereby each woman is convinced that she is the primary love interest in that man’s life.
Some players are looking for a no-strings-attached, short-term, physical relationship, while others simply enjoy the challenge of the chase.
They have learned over time what most women are missing in their relationships and they prey on those desires like a vulture over a dead carcass. They have learned to excel in most aspects of a relationship except commitment. Thus, when a woman seems to be getting “too close” or begins seeking a commitment they quietly disappear and move on to someone new. Consider them social grazers.
A player's efforts are validated each time a woman finds him to be attractive and engaging and they seek to spend time with him. Other men can identify a player much faster than women as "it takes one to know one." Some of the foremost players are married men but you’ll never know it as they won’t let it get that far or you that close.
Skilled players have learned over time what wins women over. They perfect the conversation, eye contact, aloofness and body language that capture a woman’s attention. They are adept at saying the right things at the right time and often have an ample cash flow available (due to non-commitment) which they spend without hesitation (especially if they sense that their efforts could lead to a sexual encounter).
All the gestures made in public such as hand holding, drink buying, and feigned interest only serve to make them look more attractive in the eyes of other women who may be watching. Call them future "victims" if you will. If you are interested in them, they must be worth having.
You will know that you are dealing with a player if they disappear when you suggest an extended relationship (such as dating on a regular basis) or they refuse to give you even their most basic information (phone, email, etc.). In their mind, they cannot be tied down to one woman, as there are “way too many fish in the sea.” To them, life is one big pay lake.
If a man is seriously interested in you, he will give you his phone number or email address and encourage you to contact him. He will take the lead or be an equal in terms of calling, planning dates and developing a plan for any future you may have together. He will not pay pronounced attention to other women especially when in your presence, and your needs will always be met before his.
Over time, players will become easier for you to recognize, but
always remember, when a man shows you his true self—believe him.