Dear Gratitude,
Oooh, Golden Child...terrible trigger for me, that one. My NMum I've had counselling over, arguments with, hours and hours of reading about N's on the Internet. But my Nsister, the Golden's like she's EVEN WORSE than my NMum. We shared a bedroom (she's 3 years younger than me), and I disliked her from the minute I saw her. My Mum, though, idolised her. Might be something to do with sibling order, too - my NMum was third in the family, so was my sister. My sister looked like my NMum, behaved like her (thick and slow), everything. Me and the sister had NOTHING in common.
When I got close to starting NC in my late twenties, it was the Golden Child sister who volunteered to 'mediate' between if that would be 'objective'!!
Now that I've had NC for 13 years, I think that if my NMum knocked on my door, I'd be surprised but not terrified. With the Golden Child sister, I'd be floored. I still have nightmares about her - more than my NMum, now. I think what terrifies me the most is that she's much more vindictive (on behalf of my NMum) - it's her that still sends me anonymous stuff in the post, etc. I think that, even if my NMum dies in a few years, the sister is likely to live as long as I do, and she'll NEVER give up. She's now much more N than my NMum was, and she was bad.
I need to get to the stage of not caring about her (like I have with my NMum), but I'm not there yet. I don't know how common it is for the Golden Child to carry on the 'infection' of N-ism in the family, but I've done family history research, and I've traced it back in my NMum's family to about 1850.
Ami...with time, you can learn not to be your mother's daughter. I think I've just about reached that bit now. But to not be my sister's sister - now, that takes a bit more work!