In a hurry- so hope all makes sense, without too many typos!
I can relate to your message very much. I have been in "emotional exhile" as well, for many years, though only a few hours from my childhood place of upbringing.
I also feel this sense of being alone with
no support. The no support feeling is a biggie, and it is truly such a lonely and painful feeling. To my surprise, I discovered that this is a feeling I have always, always had, stemming from childhood stuff. I think for me, it might be a perception thing, that gets played out in a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. Though knowing that does not make it one darn bit easier to change it
I also feel very lethargic to do what I know I need to, to change things. Here are the main reasons why I think this is the case for me.
Maybe you might relate:
1) If I'm really self honest, I have fears about the things I want to move toward, and so begin to feel really overwhelmed about facing what I want. I then want to "veg out" or keep myself distracted, as an avoidance thing.
2) To some extent I think I am emotional depressed (due to years of situational "less than idea living" and life stress), and this causes lack of focus, energy, motivation.
3) I become hopeless and doubtful of my ability to accomplish what I want, because I start thinking about how alone I am, and how little support I have. Again, a perception thing. Part of it is also a lack of self belief/confidence... From childhood, I never developed a healthy self-esteem(though it gets better with age & working on it) and this contributes to my ever present feeling of being alone in the world, I'm sure....
Keep sharing- I hope that the board facilitates your healing & growth...